Transformational Leadership - Article Review

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Transformational Leadership - Article Review

Transformational Leadership - Article Review


The article of Joe Donaldson and Bruce Francis i.e. “disrupting the Status Quo, The Action Research Dissertation as a Transformative Strategy”, describes the importance and significance of Transformational leadership in the organizational context. The article is about how businesses and companies utilize the transformational leadership in the context of an organization.


For this assignment an organization needs to be selected therefore ABC financials is selected for this purpose. The organization is going through heavy financial crises and in times of these financial crises the company needs strong and efficient leadership who can manage the situation. At times when companies are facing financial crises they need such a leader who not only make them competitive but make them stronger and bigger than the crises. That is simply termed as breaking the status quo (Bycio, 2002).

Organizations need strategic kind of thinking and mindset which makes the organizations competitive. In times of financial crises the employees and the environment of the organization becomes uncertain. This uncertainty in the environment makes the organization to decrease their performance and productivity.

Leadership is about power and influence, but also about caring and good communication. Perhaps it is just this, that leadership includes many of the core points of human interaction, which means that many are fascinated by the management process. Historically, various aspects of management have been highlighted. Director theories have increasingly emphasized the leader's role as inspirer of the organization, because the relationship between manager and employee is so important. This article presents leading theories of inspiration, with particular emphasis on the theory of transformational leadership, which is about leadership in terms of inspiration to change.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders believe they can act as a model for their followers (Bass & Avolio, 1994). Develop with them an empathic relationship and provide the means necessary to attain its objectives. The leaders are admired, respected and convey confidence. Followers identify with the leaders and want to equate them or surpass them. In addition, the leader wishes to achieve this state, overlapping the other needs of their own personal needs, sharing risks with the followers and is consistent (instead of being arbitrary). Can be considered to do the right things, demonstrating high standards of moral and ethical conduct and avoid using the power of personal gain or use it only when strictly necessary (Bycio, 2002).

Leadership is a term that was heavily loaded adhesions managerial quite distant from the values ??of educational institutions and the first contributions were influenced by the consideration that this was linked to the traits and characteristics of the leader. The trend to move beyond technical models, hierarchical and rational approaches to the facets that emphasize cultural, moral, symbolic leadership is reflected, particularly around the 90s, the notion of transformational leadership, a concept originated in the field business and transferred to the educational environment.

Leaders convey to others your vision in order to feel like their dreams and to align ...
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