Industrial/Organisational Psychology

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Industrial/Organisational Psychology

Industrial/Organisational Psychology


This paper is a literatrue review of three articles on organsational and industrial psyhology. Primarily this paper gives an intorduction about organsation psychology than demonstrates a literature review.

Literature Review

Organsiational psychology

Today there are many organizations that want to improve their company or their employees. Many options are available for both the employee and organization. Organizations can provide personality tests to help find more about an employee. Most organizations engage in transformational leadership to better understand being a leader. If an organization is striving to enhance themselves, there is assessments that can be performed to help. This paper will discuss three articles that discuss personality tests, transformational leadership, and assessments.

Industrial/Organisational psychology is an exhilarating field that has been enjoying constant growth in the United States and throughout the modern world for almost 100 years. Understanding psychology can be a little difficult. This paper will discuss what industrial/Organisational psychology is, the difference between industrial and Organisational psychology, the importance research is, validity and reliability. Industrial/Organisational psychology is different from other psychologies.

I/O psychology is the study of an individual's behavior in the workplace. I/O psychology is extremely important in the workplace. It helps promote productive work behavior. I/O psychology is recruitment, selection, placement, training, development, performance management, motivation and reward systems; Organisational development, quality of life work, consumer behavior and the structure of work and human factors. According to Spector, “I/O psychology falls into the latter category of being concerned with both psychological science and application to issues of people in organizations” (2006). Even though industrial/Organisational psychology may sound like one type of psychology it is not.

Article One

Article one is on personality and how it is measured in Organisational research. This article is framed as a series of seven questions. The seven questions address personality and multidimensional models of performance, personality taxonomies and the five-factor model, the effects of situations on personality-performance relationships, the incremental validity of personality over cognitive ability, the need to differentiate personality constructs from personality measures, the concern with faking on personality tests, and the use of personality tests in attempting to address adverse impact. Personality tests can aid in improving creativity, innovation, and job performance. Personality tests can predict if an employee's absenteeism, team performance, task performance, and much more. Personality tests are used to help determine how ones personality relates to his or her career choices. (Hough & Oswald, 2008)Example OnePersonality tests ...
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