Training And Development

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Training and Development

Training and Development


Training is an educational process of applied strategic and organized way systemically, through which employees acquire or develop knowledge and skills specific requirements for work, and adjusts their attitudes to the tasks of the organization, job or work environment. As part of the process of human resource development, training implies First, a series of conditions and stages defined aimed at achieving the integration of the collaborator their jobs, and / or organization, upgrading and maintaining its efficiency and its personal and professional advancement in the company, and on the other hand a set of methods, techniques and resources to develop implementation plans and specific actions of the organization to its normal development activities (Witkin & Altschuld, 2000, Pp. 121-124).

In this sense, the training is important for the partner to provide the best contribution in the position or assignment, as it is an ongoing process that seeks greater efficiency and productivity in the development of its activities, and it helps raise performance, morale and Contributor's creative genius.


In this era of rapid change and increasingly tough competition and more rude, it is vital for organizations promote the development of the potentialities of people and have employees who have a high level of "personal mastery", which provides services and quality, especially when it comes to such service companies, where direct care meeting the needs of the user, as this increases both the creative and learning capacity of the organization. The ability to learn faster than competitors is perhaps the only advantage sustainable competitive. Transform our organizations require "intelligent organizations, Creative, with ability to see reality from a new perspective (Witkin, 2003, Pp 17-27).

The prestige, recognition and job performance of an organization depends primarily on professional care and good treatment of its staff to provide users or customers in every contact interpersonal to be made with them and secondly, the optimal interpersonal relations exist among all the Members of the organization. For these reasons and in order to maintain and secure the prestige gained through , is necessary in the training process should develop the following human potential, flexibility, originality, creativity, innovative spirit, warmth and attitude continuous improvement. It should be emphasized that training is not an expense, however, is an investment that redound to the benefit of the institution and the members within it. Developing skills Contributor provides benefits for employees and the organization. Assists employees increase their skills and qualities and benefits the organization by increasing personal skills in a cost-effective (Rummler & Brache, 2001, pp. 29-32).

Since access to training with updated information gives us the opportunity to be better able to be competitive in our job and career prospects Therefore training and human resource development are the key actions for change positive contributors, with these in the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour social, which will bring technological leadership, teamwork and harmony between People collaborating within an organization.

Training is the systematic process by modifying the behaviour of employees, to promote ...
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