Training & Development

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Training & Development

Training & Development


This paper is based on the case analysis based on the nature and the leadership of my boss working in a company. In this paper I focuses on the management issue regarding traing and develoment that could become a cital issue if it does not manage on time. In order to avoid any such problem, I have discussed the problem belopw and also explained the possible way to deal with such issues.

Root Cause of Performance Deficiencies

The major causes that that leads to the performance deficiencies are mainly because Appraisal/Performance Management. Appraisal/Performance Management a set of management processes (planning, organization, implementation, monitoring and analysis) that allow businesses to define strategic objectives and then evaluate and manage activities to achieve their goals while making optimal use of available resources.

This management system is built on the principles of cost management business. Performance management encompasses the entire spectrum of tasks in the field of strategic, financial, marketing and operational management of the company and includes the use of management techniques such as modelling strategy, balanced scorecard, activity-based planning and value analysis, budgeting and business modelling , consolidated management reporting and analysis, monitoring key performance indicators ( Key Performance indicators ), associated with the strategy. Performance management involves three main activities (in all the areas of management):

Setting Goals

Analysis of the values of parameters describing the organization achieve its goals, and

Control actions of managers on the results of analysis aimed at improving the future of the organization to achieve the goals (Bartol, 2003).

Training vs. Employee Development

Training and development are very much close to each with the perspective of their meaning. Basically, training helps employees in understanding their role and organization basics, while employee development is a process beyond the training. The employee development process helps employees in making employees efficient to handle the critical situation.

Performance Improvement Analysis

In order to improve performance management should:

Ensure clear communication between the manager and the employee about what is expected of them.

Make regular employee constructive feedback about performance.

Identify areas where performance is not up.

Establish, as appropriate, plans to improve performance

Step towards Performance Improvement Plan

Employee performance can only be improved if he is motivated and if the organization is fulfilling the appraisal criteria. In order to keep the employees motivated, organization should focus on improving management skills. Most leaders who grow out of the ordinary professionals, taking on the management team to face unforeseen difficulties. It turns out they do not know how to delegate authority, and often being different masters of their craft, performing even routine tasks independently fine. "So reliable," - they say. And, putting on a pile of cases, they have absolutely no time to work with a global leader tasks, such as strategic planning, staff development, and organization of activities. And the situation starts to spiral out of control, the effectiveness of the department is falling, but the head feels a strong pressure on the bulk and doubtful cases. And it seems that it will never end (Chen, ...
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