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Cultural Tourism

Cultural Tourism


Tourism is the travelling for several reasons such as the recreational activities, leisure or the business tour. This can also be defined as the act of people travelling and staying in places outside their countries or cities for a limited and short time period for the above mentioned reasons.

In tourism UK is considered the 7th largest destination for tourism with almost 30 million visiting per year on average. Every year a huge amount of tourism is being spent in UK by the foreigner tourists every year. The major tourists' destinations are in London with Tower of London being the most visited the site all over the country. On the other hand, the domestic tourism remains the largest factor of tourists' expenditure. The busiest time of tourists to arrive is the bank holidays and the summer holidays. The tradition has been washed out to the extent because of the increasing competition from the overseas market of package holidays, and the demand is also changing rapidly which forced many summer camps to close down.

This essay aims to determine the soundness of heritage and tourists hotspots as a basis of cultural tourism. This essay will also focus on the fact that how cultural tourism is being developed in present and also will focus on the relation of the traditions and tourism.


Heritage tourism

Heritage tourism is the branch of tourism that is leaning towards the heritage of the culture of the location and the site where the tourism is taking place. There are several sites, which are being preserved in their original form in order to give the tourists experience of the places and activities that genuinely portrays the narratives and people of the past. In the industry of tourism, the words heritage and culture has been used interchangeably. In the heritage tourism both the physical and intangible traditions are considered (Poria, 2003, pp. 238-254).

The physical heritage includes in it the built structures and surroundings, historic sites, cultural landscapes, ruins, areas and precincts, maritime sites, industrial sites, archaeological and mining sites, agricultural traditional and scientific sites, trails, tours, museums, sites of significant events, botanic and public gardens and the build landscapes. On the other hand, there are many things that are included in the intangible heritage such as the languages, verbal traditions, rituals and beliefs plus the values. The social practises, human activities, knowledge and the stories and rituals also come under the category of the intangible heritage (Poria, 2003, pp. 238-254).

Traditional tourism covers an essential portion of the cultural tourism range. This field also overlaps and is connected with the other types of tourism products; the human or historical dimensions noticeably inform and shape all the components of the spectrum. This provides a common link for many tourism products in a country or local area (Poria, 2003, pp. 238-254).

Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism is a segment of the tourism associated with the state, country, region or even a city's culture and more specifically the lifestyle of the ...
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