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Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism


Tourism is important in delivering both short term and long term environmental, economic and socio-cultural benefits and effects on a particular destination that attracts so many tourists. Therefore it is of immense importance that a very careful consideration is given to all the decisions that are made through all sorts of planning. The decisions made in this regard by the various stakeholders can be both, positive or negative.

These decisions can play there impacts based on the efficiency of the decisions being made, (Getz, 2005). The paper focuses on the tourism in London, United Kingdom. The reason for selecting London is that it has a great symbolic significance in history besides hosting attractive sites and fashion hub, for which it is largely preferred by many.


Task 1


Stakeholders such as the local UK community, local UK businesses and other organizations that are directly or indirectly involved in this business have their own benefits. Planning tourism in this respect means that everything is done in a very efficient manner, (Haas, 1947). All the stakeholders in the United Kingdom must plan out their resources and must use all their resources in the most efficient manner that there is. If all the sites and events in the UK that attract tourists are well planned and organized, the stakeholders can earn more revenues, and the country can do well in terms of GDP, (Wanhill, 1987). Unlike the coastal cities of the United Kingdom, London has different attractions. The main attraction for tourists in London is the streets which are the fashion hub of Europe.

Various stakeholders, such as the fashion retailers, hotels, amusement parks and food industry of the UK can benefit from the rewards that a proper planned tourism industry of the UK can give. UK is visited by hundreds and Thousands of visitors, both from the local cities and from other parts of the world. Planning of tourism can ensure that the economy of UK can be boosted further. It can ensure that more job opportunities are created for the locals, thus benefitting the local communities. Of all the places in the United Kingdom, London happens to contain a large number of tourist sites and is a place that is attracted by fashion lovers from all over the world.



It creates a lot of opportunities for employment and business in the UK

The revenue generated from tourism can be used for maintaining the tourist sites of UK and can be helpful in improving the infrastructure

It preserves the strong historic and cultural heritage of UK.

It strives to protect the environment by the process of preserving the nature, urban cleanliness and protecting the wildlife of UK.


It may destroy the cultural heritage of UK, through modernization. It does so when the population of that country becomes mixed with people from different parts of the world and speak different languages and create their cultural influence on the local population.

It causes harm to the natural environment of ...
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