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Part 1

The papers written by (Warnock-Smith & Potter 2005, pp.388-392) and (O'Connell & Williams 2005, pp.259-272) are based on different types of comparisons between Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) and Full Service Carriers (FSCs). Survey research has been used for conducting both the researches and the quoted data has been supported by evidence from previous researches. The competition between Low Service Carriers and Full Service Carriers is analysed on different levels, using different assessment criteria within each of the two papers (Doganis 2001, p.156).

It is important to note that the two papers have contrasting views: while (O'Connell & Williams 2005, pp.271-272) are of the idea that the main focus for passengers availing the services of low cost carriers is the fare, (Warnock-Smith & Potter 2005, p.388) begin the paper by establishing that there is more to the choice than the only factor of cost in choosing an airport. However, it should be kept in mind that both the papers are written using different approaches: O'Connell & Williams have focused on the perceptions of passengers regarding low cost carriers and incumbents (as referred to more expensive, full service carriers within the paper), whereas Warnock-Smith & Potter have written the paper from the view of the 'airlines', particularly emphasizing on the factors that are to be taken into account when choosing a secondary airport to operate from.

A number of similarities also exist, as both the papers have used the survey method for conducting research. The sample technique applied is clustered sampling. Smith & Potter's paper presents an exploratory study serving as the base for further research to be done for confirmation, and the paper by O'Connell & Williams presents the passengers' perceptions in the form of a case study comparing four different airlines operating majorly in Europe and Asia.

Warnock-Smith & Potter begin their paper by establishing that there are a number of factors to be considered while selecting an airport to operate from, other than the cost of airport charges for an airline. The importance of the most important of these factors is elaborated upon within the paper, and differences have been identified through various types of comparisons made for a smaller cluster drawn from the complete sample of low cost carriers. The gist of the paper lies within the ranking of factors that it has presented. The main market taken into consideration is the aviation market of Europe, which has become open to low cost carriers recently. Furthermore, three factors affecting the airport choice of the cluster sample have been elaborated upon, and compared for start up vs. converted LCCs; for large and small aircrafts, and for the entry period before and after the year 2000. Recommendations have been made for the customization of marketing efforts to cater to low cost carriers specifically, rather than as part of the whole involving the full service carriers as well (Warnock-Smith & Potter 2005, pp.388-392).

O'Connell and Williams begin by out rightly stating that the paper was written to identify the criteria that come into action when passengers ...
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