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Journal Articles' Analysis- Toursim

Journal Articles' Analysis- Toursim

First Part

Discussion on the Concepts and Practices of Two Journal Articles

The two journal articles analyzed for the discussion includes following articles.

Title of the article “The Impact of Terrorism On Tourism Demand”Author: Jorge E. Aran˜a and Armelo J. Leo´nJournal: Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 299-315, 2008

Title of the article “An Exploratory Study of Factors of Japanese Tourism demand for the UK”Author: David Gilbert and Mikiko TerrataJournal: International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 13 / 2 [ 2001] 70-78

The concepts presented in both the articles are related to the factors that affect the decreasing trend of holidays. The first article specifically analyzes the factors of national security that are threatened by terrorism and they strongly impact the demand of tourism in the world. The terrorist's attacks on world trade centre on September 11, 2001 are considered to be the major events that have lead to the changing preferences of tourists regarding several destinations such as Canary Islands and the Mediterranean. In order to analyze these impacts the author of the journal article has proposed an approach that focuses on a model which takes into account the two samples taken from different points and areas that reveals the impact of terrorist attacks on the tourism industry and the preferences of people regarding tourism and holidays. The concepts presented din the paper intends to analyze the experiences of tourists regarding the image of the tourism destinations and how they have changed from the time when there was peace and harmony in the world to the time when the threats of terrorism can be felt all around the world. The findings of the research conducted by the author conclude that the terrorist's attacks of September 11 have caused a severe shock to the tourists regarding their utility and image of the tourism destination places. The image profile of the well known destination places is also been affected after the prevalence of terrorism in the world. However, the surprising aspect of the research is that where some of the destination places confronted by the negative impacts of the terrorism due to the changing preferences and destination image of the place, on the other hand some of the other destination places have gained attractiveness of the tourists as a result of terrorists attacks of September 11 due to the shifting of people's and tourists preferences to those places (Jorge & Armelo, 2008).

The concepts and ideas presented in the second journal article specifically analyze the motivation and demand of tourism by the Japanese tourists in the international tourist destinations. According to the author of the article, the demands of tourists vary from nation to nation. The behaviours of Japanese tourists have been already studied by some researches; however, the culture and motivation towards travel pertaining to Japanese tourists have not been analyzed in depth. The research study by the authors in the second article analyzes the cultural variation among the Japanese tourists that motivate or influence theme towards ...
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