Total Quality Management

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Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management


In recent years, the economy is a trend in which money plays a key role in managing the production of goods and its subsequent progress. In developed countries, quality management is one of the most important divisions. For better interaction and, consequently, more effective results in enterprises developed different approaches to quality management.

In the field of global industrial production in 1949. The world entered in a new era, related to the introduction of quality control of products. In Japan, it has primarily to the emergence of various research groups working on quality control. The slogan "Quality, quality, and only!" determines the policy of Japanese business world. High quality Japanese products not only provide her steady domination of the domestic market, but also a means to promote Japanese products to foreign markets. Japan's success in this area has contributed a set of measures: an intensive study of theory and practice of quality assurance, creation, development and effective use of national systems of standardization and control of export products, the restructuring of intra-firm management, and special production organization and motivation of staff, allowing to achieve higher productivity and quality labour. Particularly important role played by particular Japanese form of organization of small working groups, i.e. united in a group of people working on the same working area (Petersen, 1999, 468).

Toyota Company in Japan is considered very conservative. The Japanese argue that Toyota is very conservative even by Japanese standards." Conservative in politics, design, financially, in their approaches, etc. Yet innovation is extremely important for Toyota and is always ahead of the events in the market. It is about innovation at all levels - from minor improvements to the workplace on the shop floor to fundamental change, leading to a revolution in manufacturing technology and construction vehicles. However, it is also true that much of a Toyota car centres are engaged in routine upgrading of products, introducing minor changes from model to model. The attractiveness of the approach Toyota is that it allows the company from time to time to depart from this "conservative" pattern and create a new car with a qualitatively different approach to development. This is characteristic of Toyota.

The most striking examples of thinking Toyota in action - is the development of Lexus and Prius. They represent a real revolution in the history of the company and in many ways changed the Toyota as a company. The history of these vehicles shows how the principles of the approach Toyota implemented (Morgan & Jeffrey, 2006, 87).

Institutional paradigm, one of the leading theories, along with neo-classical, modern science defines a particular approach to economic analysis, in which basis - taking into account extra - institutional constraints play in today's world of ever-increasing role. Actions of economic agents are due not only to their own interests and desires, but also the prevailing rules and traditions. Institutional approach involves splitting the set of forces, the driving behaviour of subjects into two groups of ...
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