The Research Process: Data, Measurement, And Variables

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The Research Process: Data, Measurement, and Variables

Assignment 1a - SLP

The Role of Sports as a Social Determinant for Children


Many issues involving the practice of sports in our day, such as lack of information inherent in this practice, problems and deformities caused by its use without specialized monitoring or even by violence involving high level sport. However, even with so many conflicting points, it is undeniable that the sport has in our society a cultural value extremely relevant. This cultural view of the sport is presented by Berenson (2002) as follows:

"Sport is a unique cultural element, with an extensive and dependencies, is part of universal culture that combines health joy, which serves as both the education to leisure. Their practice has such appeal that creates a true spirit of sportsmanship." (P. 223)

The sport has many positive and negative possibilities in its use as educational content in schools and no doubt each of these possibilities is on constant reflection by various authors who seek to have incessantly sports practices of different reality social our school. Among the different positive and negative possibilities in its use as educational content in schools and no doubt each of these possibilities is under constant by various authors seeking framing sports practice within the different social schools. Among the various possibilities willing, the sport is seen many times as a factor of fundamental importance to the development of children and adolescents. Among these possibilities, the vision of competition linked to the sport will be focus of our study.

The competition has been constituted as an element linked to the controversial subject certainly presents itself as one of the most complex social processes observed in our society. Second Samuel Koenig (1988), for a greater harmony and development of individuals in their relations with the groups to which they belong, the competition held so loyal constitutes an element that "leads to economic and social progress and even the well being, as it encourages individuals and groups to engage the best of their efforts." (pp.306-07). Leaving therefore these settings, the different determinants of sports for children and adolescents about their social behavior in different sports activities can promote the formation of a pre-conception of its social value.

This study was mainly to base on the influence of sports activities on the social behavior of children and adolescents, need special attention if we observe the immense influence of the media and media in general about the phenomenon sport, which can lead some professionals related to this field (Physical Education Teachers and Technicians), the conduct of use of this content consistent with the demand for the various social groups involved (Melissa, Gail, 1992).

The unpreparedness of some professionals often contribute to the misuse or even inconsistent sporting activities, often increasing aggression, treachery and even violence in the behavior of children and adolescents direct influence on their future behavior as an adult. There are rare times that the conduct of physical education teacher to be confused with the Technical Sports, focusing on talent and ...
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