With the undertaking of this study, we shall be able to analyze Clinical Utility, Validity, Reliability, and of the EFPT to measure the Executive Function in people with Stroke. This study in-depth analyzes if the person with stroke can help families understand the family performance at home and live independently.
Research Study Design
The research design used was experimental as in people with strokes were tested in an experiment. The Executive Function Performance Test was used to check reliability and internal consistency. In order to check criterion validity neuropsychological tests were conducted. There were three groups of people having different level of strokes. These groups were classified into moderate, mild and control stroke group. The same tests were applied on each group to check the difference in each. This research focused on the collection of secondary and primary data. There is subjectivity to the pattern of qualitative research compared to quantitative research methods (Baum, 2008).
EFPT comparison to Performance Based Assessment
Occupational therapists can be helped by EFPT to find out the support level required by people to perform complicated performance tasks. EFPT has a number of advantages when compared with current performance based assessment. The measure described in this article, the Executive Function Performance Test, has several advantages over existing performance-based assessments.
Firstly, the ease of getting administered is relatively high that, after training, one can know how to score after observation (Baum, 2008).
Secondly, during the performance of four activities EFPT isolates the cognitive components. It helps in getting information which is important in the treatment plan generation.
Thirdly, the practitioner can objectively assess the client with the help of EFPT top down approach during task performance. EFPT rather than relying on proxy, it assesses the actual performance.
The demographic variables are Age and Education. EFPT tasks were paying bills, medications, using telephone, and cooking. Executive function components were initiation completion, organization, safety and judgment, and sequencing. The instrumental tasks asked to perform after asking each participant if he or she is familiar with this exercise. These participants were individually tested at a place, which was a laboratory kitchen but stimulating as a home environment (Baum, 2008).
Reliability refers to the consistency of a measure, score, or test. Reliability occurs more often in statistical, quantitative studies and frequently in qualitative studies (Lezak, 2004). Assessing reliability can be through stability, which relates to the extent to ...