The Qualitative Element In Organization Behavior

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The Qualitative Element in Organization Behavior

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction3

Organizational Background3

Research Questions and Objectives4

Chapter 2: Literature Review6

Counterproductive Work Behaviour6

Antecedents And Consequences Of Counterproductive Work Behaviors8

Intraperson Manifestations9

Substance Abuse9


Interpersonal Manifestations10



Hostility, Aggression, Bullying, and Violence11

Sexual Harassment12

Withdrawal Behavior13

Social Loafing13

Chapter 3: Methodology16

Qualitative Research16

Research Method17

Keywords Used17

Resource Access and Implications17

Action Plan18

OMB Interventions18

Phase A: Preemployment19

Phase B: Socialization19

Phase C: Behavior Control21

Phase D: Corrective Measures21


The Qualitative Element in Organization Behavior


Chapter 1: Introduction


This proposal is based on the theme of organizational demeanour and associated practices in a chosen firm. The business chosen for this specific paper is GlaxoSmithKline, the premier pharmaceutical company. The business is marred by some ethical matters, most significantly misbehaviour amidst workers that has produced in counterproductivity amidst employees. And now the business likes to revamp its scheme to contradict these malpractices and likes to win employees' loyality back in its favour.


Organizational Background

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a world premier research-based pharmaceutical business with a mighty blend of abilities and resources. Our objective is to advance the value of human life by endowing persons to do more, seem better and reside longer. One way that GSK assists to advancing the value of human life is through our firm promise to excellence in research education.

GSK is a international foremost in the study, development, constructing and provide of prescription medicines, vaccines, over the contradict medicines, oral care goods and nutritional healthcare drinks. At the forefront of the fast advancement in research and expertise that will change health perform over the next 20 years, GSK is pledged to maintain its present R&D power and investment. GSK's international R&D allowance is roughly £2.5 billion (A$6.9 billion) every year (Kidwell, Martin, 2005).

GSK's prescription medicines, vaccines and buyer healthcare goods help heal and avert infection in millions of Australians and our merchandise portfolio and aim is nearly aligned with the trials emphasised by the Australian Government. GSK Australia makes goods nearly affiliated with the National Health Priorities - asthma, immunization, despondency, diabetes and fuming cessation (VandenBos, Bulatao, 2006).


Research Questions and Objectives

It is a detail that misbehavior and contradict productivity in associations should be examined not only as pervasive but, as intentional work-related demeanour that mostly (yet not necessarily) bears contradictory penalties for both persons (perpetrators and targets) and the organization. OMB is an integral constituent of organizational truth and an significant facet of one-by-one, assembly, and association conduct—not a marginal, negligent (i.e., deviant) organizational occurrence.

The following study inquiry will be addressed in this paper:

RQ1: Why do constituents of associations enlist in actions that constitute deviance from an agreeable mode of worker behavior?

The prime target of this study study will be to address the:

1.     Causes of misbehaviour at GSK.

2.     Factors leveraging the counterproductive demeanour amidst workers at GSK.

3.     Developing an organisational activity design to determination the matters pertaining at the organisation.    











Chapter 2: Literature Review


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