The influence of mass media entertainment on American teen sexual culture justifies teaching rhetorical theory in English education to prepare K-12 educators to facilitate students' evaluations of complex electronic media messages. Sexual content in entertainment messages - especially in electronic media such as movies and television that combine multi - sensory stimuli with relaxed, non-critical viewing - strongly correlates with negative teen behaviors that result in teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. My hypothesis is that teaching rhetoric in English education will enable pre-service teachers to enhance K-12 students' critical awareness of mass media content and its influence.
Answer 1
There are several academic perspectives of movie's influence on teen sexual culture to include the interconnected influences of media and communication technology on society.
Teen sex is a “major public health problem” according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP “Sexuality”). The physical, emotional, and social consequences of teen sexual activity include high rates of teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Each year 25% of sexually active teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and the younger a female is when she first has sex, the more likely it is that she will have “involuntary or forced” sex (AAP “Sexuality”). Many health professionals believe that mass media content depicting casual sex with no consequences has resulted in a host of negative behaviors among teens who may be persuaded that teen sexual activity is “both acceptable and wide spread” (Villaruel). Pediatric healthcare providers are being encouraged to assess patients' media use because of its potential association with unhealthy behaviors (Gruber and Grube). Although parents and educators try to promote abstinence or condom use, teens are increasingly exposed to media sexual content that does not provide information about health risks and personal responsibility. Both negative and positive advertising messages have been shown to influence young people, according to a pediatric medical association that calls on the mass media to promote responsible sex, and healthy behaviors (AAP “Sexuality”). In addition to modeling unhealthy sexual behaviors, entertainment may negatively influence other aspects of teens' physical and psychological well-being. Research suggests that media portrayals of unrealistic body images negatively impact teens' self-esteem (Polce-Lynch). Teens, especially young females, become discontent with their bodies and may develop unhealthy eating behaviors in an attempt to achieve media-ideal body types (Field et al.). Although family and social relationships also have an influence, teens learn about society and sexual relationships from visual media images portraying body types, clothing, and other cultural norms (Johnston 10).
Answer 2
In western society men and women often acts differently when put into a relationship typesetting (boyfriend/girlfriend or marital relationships). The studies done have proved theories (that there is no correlation between drugs and the possibility of having a bad relationship experience) to be untrue and one would come to realize that most of the time the correlations the researchers have made do not really exist especially when it comes to relationships. The studies below presented women in three main and not uncommon ...