The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Patrick Lencioni defined five most essential and functional ways to improve team's performance in his video. The video was based on his bestselling book “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” in which he explained different successful leadership strategies in order to enhance the performance of team. In the video presentation, there is description and explanation about the performance of team and improving team's productivity and performance by using five dysfunctions and understanding the theories behind them. In this video presentation, Patrick Lencioni defined the whole model for the teamwork in such an effective way that a leader can effectively use and implement these strategies and practical way in order to improve the performance of his team. In the same way, this presentation is also very effective for every team member to understand the ideology or theory behind these five dysfunctions and how to resolve problems in the team.


Working with over the past few weeks in MGMT 2130 it is provided that there are various problems in the team, there is lack of communication, team fails to achieve target, there is lack of cooperation, and team do not respond accordingly. In order to understand and identify problems associated with this team, I watched video presentation by Patrick Lencioni, which provided assistance in order to deal with the situation. The examples provided by Patrick Lencioni in his video presentation are very practical as these are based on his own experiences and career as a consultant. He identified major obstacles or dysfunctions that result in affecting a team's performance. These dysfunctions are the major reasons which result in affecting the productivity of team and creating hurdles for the success of organization. Patrick Lencioni not only addressed these dysfunctions, but also provides a complete guide line, which can be used to deal with the problems of teams and how to deal with the problems. Lencioni discussed five different dysfunctions in dept and how these can assist in achieving positive results for the team. These five dysfunctions are:

Absence of Trust

Fear of Conflict

Lack of Commitment

Avoidance of Accountability and

Inattention to Results

All these dysfunctions are very effective and associated with resolving major concerns affecting the team's performance.

Lencioni provided a fable style in order to resolve all these dysfunctions by applying the examples in the real life situations and using these stories as an example to ...
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