Alpha Male

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Reviewing some articles on psychology and social influence in some very popular websites, I realized that there is great confusion about the concept of alpha male. Apparently (in the case of humans) is the man who manages to project such an image of security and power that is irresistible to women and unwavering commitment to its competitors of the same sex. The fact is that the image of "domain" identify it with a personality that has nothing to envy to a Hollywood villain: chin haughty look "sharp" chest "outside", hands in pockets without forgetting thumbs " pointing to the genitals ... "in short, a lot of nonsense that look like something out of a Marlboro ad eighties.

It seems that many of these authors forget that we stage of testosterone and explosions, as well as the utopian emphasis on our "rediscovered" sensitivity (Believe me, exaggerate in both directions). The alpha male of today is far from being stiff or rigid. I think the actor Robert

Downey Jr. is a perfect representative of this new model of masculinity, a combination of maturity and playfulness spontaneous stout that few are able to combine, I would like everyone to know your secret! However, you know what my suggestions to become the pack leader today? if they are waiting for instructions very complicated, sorry to disappoint, as they are only two (and very easy to learn):

Always, always, always, be the first to ... Communicate!: Whether to shake hands, to find a group of people waiting for someone to make "the decision", public speaking on behalf of others, or decide the site where you're going to invite the object of your affection, it always take the initiative. Does this mean you're going to "make all decisions"? Absolutely!, dislike women that let their opinions aside. Saluda First people do not expect them to do. Do your best to keep up reading the news to not stay behind in any conversation. If you invite to lunch, do not just say Where do you want lunch?, But suggest she take with sites where (and explain why) ... and let her make the decision (which of course can be any of your proposals). The important thing is to show the world that "courage" is your middle name, and not afraid to express yourself. You see, the macho image of few words is out.

Having a sense of humor as steel: It is often said that men who have a great sense of humor are sexy. This does not mean telling jokes, of course. Even females can say that a man has this power just for being a great conversationalist (I cannot imagine a "good conversation" without laughing). But there is also the other side of the coin: the self. When a setback occurs (for example, a waiter spilled hot coffee on your leg), the way reactions can spoil the whole picture. Perhaps a true alpha male would cause the envy of your competitors saying "Hey, you forgot the ...
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