The Cold War

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The Cold War brought peace to Europe but war to South-East Asia.

The Cold War Brought Peace to Europe but War to South-East Asia


The Cold War a global geopolitical , economic, and ideological confrontation between the Soviet Union and its allies on the one hand, and the United States and its allies - the other, which lasted from the mid- 1940s to early 1990s period. With its own armed forces attacked the U.S. in 1950 and 1965 in "hot" wars for the future of the divided country after the Second World War Korea and Vietnam, and the Soviet Union occupied in 1979 Afghanistan, to support a civil war party. In the Third World, the enemies were in “proxy wars "against indirectly.

Where they feared the passage of a state in the opposing camp, intruded the U.S. and its allies with their secret covert operations by the organization or the protection of military coups, as in Iran and Chile. The Soviet Union set in such cases, their armed forces in the suppression of an uprising in the GDR one, and for the occupation of Hungary and Czechoslovakia, to eliminate the incumbent governments. Developed in 1968, Brezhnev doctrine to justify such an action by the Soviet Union within the "socialist camp" for the future.

In this paper analysis the statement “The Cold War Brought Peace to Europe but War to South-East Asia.”

The Cold War

The Cold War was the heyday of world conflict, with the 1917 Russian October Revolution under Lenin began leadership; the Russian Civil War drew to itself, to which Western forces on counter-revolutionary side participated, and who in the 1920s and 1930s through the export of revolution of the Communist International had continued. The anti-Hitler coalition since 1941 covered the conflict at times. In the postwar period were the different goals and interests out of the superpowers in the reorganization of the world and led to the division of Europe into two hostile blocs associated with military alliances: the NATO and the countries of the Warsaw Pact. Their expansion was broadly the military presence of U.S. troops and the Red Army's 1945th In Southeast Asia, the U.S. created by the SEATO a similar alliance (Westad, 2005, 8).

The alliance systems were upgraded over the decades and influenced a bipolar world with disparate ideologies and political concepts that defined themselves against each other. From a Western perspective that stood freedom and democracy against totalitarian dictatorship and market economy from planned economy. View from the east, led by the state party sided development of the socialist personality stood in the transition to communism, against the so-called jungle law of the systematic exploitation of the imperialist capitalism . This situation is called the American journalist Walter Lippmann in 1947 with the first expression was cold (Cold War), he of the Bernard Baruch had heard (Hess, 1991, 358).

Impact of Cold War on Europe

From the late-40s, the Soviet Union achieved establish puppet governments in Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary, Poland, Romania and East Germany, which allowed ...
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