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Research Papers on Management

Technology management is integrated design, planning, operation, optimization and control of technological products, services and processes. Preparing a research paper is a bit tricky for many students and professionals. This section of Researchomatic is presenting quality research papers written on various topics of technology management. People can easily access these research papers and can write good quality research papers on technology management.

Knowledge Management Principles And Practices In A Technology Intensive Organization
Knowledge Management principles and practices in a technology intensive organization Abstract The evolution of the meaning of knowledge and its connotation to a technological universe makes its way to the current paradigm of knowledge, intelligence and talent in the bond of knowledge management and the creation of a new organizational approach. In ...
LEADERSHIP Leadership Leadership LEADERSHIP Leadership has been defined as "activity to influence people to voluntarily strive to achieve the objectives of the group." Per group is meant a small group, a branch of the organization, organization, etc. Because what matters here is the leadership in the organizational field, from now on use the word ...
Itrust Database Security Assessment
iTrust Database Security Assessment iTrust Database Security Assessment Introduction It is necessarily required to actively manage the identified risks occurring to the information assets by appropriate administrators or data owners for prioritizing remediation efforts and resources. Risk assessments are part of an ongoing risk management process. Risk assessments provide the basis for prioritization ...
Presents Common Managerial Principles And Practices
\ Presents Common Managerial Principles and Practices Technology-Intensive Organizations Introduction This study analyzes the performance of small high-technology companies, which now operate in technology parks in the Basque Autonomous Community. The results show that the intangible assets related to human capital and organizational learning contribute to the growth of technological SMEs. About 80 ...
Cloud Computing And Businesses
Cloud Computing and Businesses Abstract The primary purpose of this research paper is to determine whether it is a smart, practical and viable decision for a business to adopt cloud computing technology. In order to determine this, the paper expands the knowledge of the reader on the benefits and drawbacks that cloud ...
Technology Management
Technology Management Abstract Technology determines the competitive advantage of market leaders and promotes new companies to take over leadership of existing firms. The fast paced advancement in technology urges organizations to device a competitive technology management process. Technology management appeared to indicate management techniques that companies must address to use technology in ...
Utilization Of Knowledge Management In Organization
Utilization of Knowledge Management in Organization Abstract A characteristic feature of the present time is the rapid acceleration of the development process followed by exponential growth of knowledge and globalization processes to access it. Most developed countries base their economies as they are still growing dependence on knowledge and information. Knowledge management ...
Technology Management
TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Technology Management Abstract Business organizations of modern era are increasingly becoming complex. This complexity is the result of extremely technical environment of business characterized by growing globalization, competition, rapid and often continuous changing in technology. In complex organizations management requires quick response of development, design and implementation of new process technology ...
Utilization Of Knowledge Management
UTILIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Abstract The application of knowledge management principles in an organization is the most effective way of increasing the production of an organization. The utilization of knowledge management principles increases the production by managing the tasks in an appropriate manner and utilizes the available resources and technology in ...
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