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Research Papers on Management

Technology management is integrated design, planning, operation, optimization and control of technological products, services and processes. Preparing a research paper is a bit tricky for many students and professionals. This section of Researchomatic is presenting quality research papers written on various topics of technology management. People can easily access these research papers and can write good quality research papers on technology management.

Underground Coal Mining Safety
UNDERGROUND COAL MINING SAFETY Underground Coal Mining Safety Abstract Through this research, the researchers attempt to assess the main idea of Underground Coal Mining in a holistic framework. The main focus of the research is on the escalating requirement of coal in the stage of Industrial Revolution along with the dangers ...
Wind Energy
WIND ENERGY Wind Energy Wind Energy - Is It Worthwhile? Introduction The wind is a natural energy resource that has been used by humans on a modest scale for hundreds of years. Recently, however, concerns about climate change and diminishing reserves of fossil fuels have resulted in an increasing interest in wind as ...
Strategic Management
STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Southwest Airlines Table of Contents Mission & Vision Statement1 Strategic Competitiveness against other leading airlines1 Strategic Competiveness Creation Strategic2 Point to Point Flying Strategy2 Cost Effectiveness3 Customer Satisfaction3 Employees Management4 Aggressive Marketing Strategies5 Corporate Governance5 Has Southwest created any value?6 Southwest Competitors and Industry Model7 Rivalry7 Competitive Behavior and Dynamics9 Market Expansion9 Monetary Management9 Marketing9 Operations10 Growth during 9/11 incident10 Financial Analysis11 Effects of environment on southwest operation12 Economic12 Political12 Social12 Technological13 Southwest Airlines market ...
Human Resource Information System
HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Human Resource Information System [Name of the institution Table of Contents Introduction1 Importance to a HR Director1 Positives and Negatives of E-Recruiting2 Different E-Recruiting tools2 Considerations for E-Recruiting Decisions3 Self-Service Technology3 Importance to a HR Director4 Advantages of Self-Service Portals4 Different Self-Service Portals4 Considerations for e-Self-Service Technology Decisions5 E-Learning and Training5 Importance as a HR Director6 Advantages of Corporate Universities (examples)6 Different E-Learning ...
Methods-Time Measurement
METHODS-TIME MEASUREMENT Methods-time measurement Abstract There are many alternatives available for improving productivity. Work motion and time study is one way to achieve it. In this research, time study which is work measurement is done in order to standardize the working time especially for QC (quality control) jobs in Textiles Manufacturing ...
Microsoft Identity Management
MICROSOFT IDENTITY MANAGEMENT Microsoft Identity Management Abstract Identity management refers to the process of employing emerging technologies to manage information about the identity of users and control access to company resources. The goal of identity management is to improve productivity and security while lowering costs associated with managing users and their identities, ...
Network Security
NETWORK SECURITY Network Security Network Security 1. Joe the janitor was recorded on the company security camera one night taking pictures with his cell phone of the office of the CEO after he is done cleaning it. The film is grainy (from repeated use and reuse); and you cannot ascertain what specifically ...
Pollution Prevention Act
POLLUTION PREVENTION ACT Pollution Prevention Act The Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 Following passage of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency developed a formal definition of P2 and a strategy for making it a central guiding mission. Under Section 6602(b) of the Pollution Prevention Act, Congress established ...
Security Issues
SECURITY ISSUES Security Issues Security Issues Introduction Electronic business is becoming more widely researched and better understood. However, researches have revealed that there is limited understanding of risks associated in the nature of e-business in organizations. This area has started to be considered as a field of study but still needs much attention ...
Principles And Practices Of Technology Management In Contemporary Technology Management Organizations
Principles and practices of Technology Management in Contemporary Technology Management Organizations Executive Summary Technology permeates all aspects of the contemporary business activity and insists on contemporary principles and practices or performance management. Developments in the computing technologies and the internet, the materialization of the knowledge worker, resource insufficiency, globalization and extreme competition ...
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