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Research Papers on IT

Research and Development is important within every subject and every field. IT Students from undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD programs are required to make a number of research papers and papers throughout their educational tenure. These IT researches require much review of the previous literature. This section of the online library has a vast range of IT research papers to study from.

Unix Operating System
UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM UNIX Operating System UNIX Operating system Introduction It is an operating system (OS) is software that manages the resources of a computer. It is a popular multi-user, multi-tasking OS. UNIX is considered one of the greatest achievements in computer science. It has been around since in the 1960s in various forms, ...
Service-Oriented Architecture (Soa)
SERVICE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE (SOA) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Abstract. Design patterns for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) suggest solutions for architectural, design and implementation problems, but these changes also affect performance and other non-functional properties. A performance model can be generated from a SOA software model (plus some implementation and deployment advice) ...
Python In Network Security
PYTHON IN NETWORK SECURITY Python In Network Security Python In Network Security Introduction Communication between two machines via a network is done with special structures labeled socket. They designate points of entry / exit to the network, connected to an IP address and port number. We can distinguish two types of socket is: ...
GROUPWARE Advantages and Disadvantages of Groupware Advantages and Disadvantages of Groupware Introduction Groupware is the concept of Web-based software, which defines the groups of people using the application. It is based on the idea, because of the network connection; one must cooperate with each other over the network as a whole and team productivity. ...
Firewall Technology
Firewall Technology Table of Contents Summary3 Microsoft Windows Firewall4 Working4 Firewall Types4 Software Firewalls4 Hardware Firewalls5 Advantages of Firewalls5 Disadvantages of Firewalls5 Implementation Stages of Firewall6 Uses of Firewall6 Weakness and Strength6 Concerning Issues for Deployment and Maintenance7 Management Aspects of Firewall7 Issues in Internet Security7 Necessary Components for Installation7 Terminologies Used for High-Level Management8 Conclusion8 References9 Summary Firewall is a basic requirement for our organizations, offices and corporations, who use ...
Brazil Wind Energy
Brazil Wind Energy Introduction The secret behind the fast-growing economy in recent times can be linked to adequate infrastructural development, which invariably is not unconnected to constant and sufficient power supply. A lack of energy or its inadequacy in an economy had variously led to social and economic poverty, underdevelopment, unemployment, ...
Ict - Education
ICT - EDUCATION ICT - Education ICT - EDUCATION Introduction An important step towards the successful integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools is to facilitate their capacity to develop a school-based ICT policy resulting in an ICT policy plan. Such a plan can be defined as a school document containing ...
Linux Server And Linux Workstation Products
Linux Server and Linux Workstation Products Introduction A Linux server is the name given to a high-powered alternative for the operating system of the Linux open source. It is embedded with the capabilities to fulfill the requirements of business applications in a business organization. These applications involve system and network management, Web ...
The Effects Of Advanced Technology On Communication
The Effects of Advanced Technology on Communication Introduction Advancements in technology have transformed the way we communicate in both our professional and personal lives. The great challenge of communications at the entrance of the Twenty-first century will not be to ensure citizens' access to truthful information and communication in its various expressions, ...
Wireless Technology
Wireless Technology Introduction Among the many technological innovations, the use of wireless technology has immense importance, because this particular technology is being used by people regardless of their geographic locations, age or economic barrier. Over the year, mobile communication has been bringing out more and more reliable, efficient, and timely wireless ...
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