Wireless Technology

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Wireless Technology


Among the many technological innovations, the use of wireless technology has immense importance, because this particular technology is being used by people regardless of their geographic locations, age or economic barrier. Over the year, mobile communication has been bringing out more and more reliable, efficient, and timely wireless communication network. The increasing demand for a more sophisticated and ubiquitous communication system has led the communications industry to better understand and work upon the principle issues that the theory of communication and electromagnetic have and their implications which is needed for the design for highly effective and capable wireless systems. Everyone is looking for mobility, instant access and most importantly portability. Gone are the days when people used to rely on heavy, static equipment.

The Evolution of Wireless Technology

There have been sharp contrasting perspectives which have been offered as a result of technological evolution in terms of the speed and the mechanism that brought about this technological change. When these ideas are considered in the context of wireless communication's development, it is revealed that the said technology has, at many occasions been indicated as a revolutionary change. These include the wireless telephony, the wireless telegraphy and radio broadcasting.

Impact of Wireless Technology on people

Technological advancements in wireless information technologies have positioned the users in a computing environment which is not only ubiquitous but also has a lot of information exchange facets to it. This allows people to have easy access to information from one part of the world to another through handheld devices of wireless means like that of Smart phone. Over the years there have been various wireless applications which have emerged to provide an entirely new personalized option and a new experience to the users. The wireless communication industry has rapidly developed, primarily through the usage of cellular phones and additional devices like Bluetooth and wireless internet. These innovations have greatly impacted the lives of the people across the world as soon as they were launched into the consumer market. Once the product becomes widespread over a certain period of time, the consequences of the products start showing up its social impact (Cupito, 24).

The importance of Wi-Fi technology

Over the last decade, wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) technology has revolutionized Internet service provision and the ways that data are shared and transferred. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) have proliferated rapidly in recent years, due to their ease of deployment and maintenance. WLANs have been widely established throughout the business world, in universities, and in public wireless hot spots such as airports, hotels, and café's. These Wi-Fi hot spots provide Internet access by allowing clients to connect wirelessly to one or more access points (APs), which are connected to wire backbone networks. The connection to backbone networks, however, represents a key caveat of Wi-Fi hot spots in that extensive infrastructure and sound planning are necessary for an effective and cost-efficient service provision. Rising demand for wireless broadband Internet access, coupled with these constraints, has often resulted in an overwhelming task ...
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