Talent Management Strategies

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Talent management strategies

Talent management strategies


The management which makes identify, evaluate and develop the talent is known as talent management and the strategy which helps to make it possible is known as talent management strategy. In this assignment we will discuss different aspects of talent management strategy while envisioning the organization which is the organization of 200 hundred workers along with 20 leaders. The talent management strategy has different components on which the strategy is formalized. The discussion will also cover the link between the growth of organization and the talent management strategy. Most of the strategies are applied in independent organization to make the working and output of an organization more effective and worthy. The human resource department in the organization is totally responsible in the formation of talent management strategy. The human resource management manages to identify, assess, and evaluate the people to make the right position for sane people possible.


Formulation of Talent management strategy

Talent management strategy is formulated through some specified steps taken by the human resource department. The human resource management in the organization is completely responsible to handle the management of talent in order increase the efficiency of an organization. Envisioning the organization, which is having 200 hundred workers along with 20 leaders, the talent management strategy is formalized under these guidelines.

A focus on measurement

An ideal organization which is envisioned needs to work under facts given through measurements. The organization is only successful only when it is well effective on the measurement grounds. The measurement can be of different types such as measurement for identifying a worker, measurement for assessing and measurement of performance. These measurements help human resource to work effectively with the facts given by the measurement scale. (Sparrow, 2010)

An open culture

In an envisioned organization there must be an open culture of working where a worker feel confidence in working. The confidence is given by the environment in which a worker is working. There must be competitive environment on equal grounds in the envisioned organization. This strategy will undoubtedly encourage the employee to work hard with sincerity.

The technology

The technology is the major contributing factor in the envisioned organization which can contributes in the formation of talent management strategy. It is a helpful tool to measure and enhance the working of human resource in recognizing, evaluating and developing the talent for the organization. (Hesketh, 2006)

Determine the key components of talent management, including Identifying, assessing, and developing talent

A talent is phenomena which need to be investigate with all its essential tools. Without using these specified tools no organization can achieve their desire goals. Talent management is a part of human resource management which manages and investigates the real talent to bring them at the right place. There are various components of talent management but here we shall consider few key components including identifying, assessing and developing talent.


Identifying is a major component of framing a talent management strategy. This component is processed through the process of recruitment. It is a process in which right people are pursued by ...
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