Substance-Related, Schizophrenia & Psychosis, And Mood Affective Disorders

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Substance-Related, Schizophrenia & Psychosis, and Mood Affective Disorders

Substance-Related, Schizophrenia & Psychosis, and Mood Affective Disorders


The use or abuse of certain substances can impair the experience and behavior. Substance-induced mental disorders are caused by the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, stimulants and sedatives. Illegal drugs such as LSD, cocaine, morphine and heroin often lead to serious interventions into the psyche and the behavior and experience of consumers. Depending on the type and nature of the intoxicant on single or consumed regularly occur in different psychological impairments. These impairments are further dependent on the dose, the type of revenue (intravenous, nasal, oral, etc.) and frequency of administration. Therefore, it comes to long or short term maladaptive patterns of behavior and experience. Short-term effects of alcohol can be stimulating or sedative. With long-term alcohol abuse and chronic consumption can mental disorders in the form of amnesia (memory loss) and anxiety disorders occur. The dilemma we face is that to combat the high anxiety, alcohol is consumed, resulting in a vicious cycle of alcohol, anxiety and even more alcohol (Clark et al, 2002).

In withdrawal from chronic alcohol dependence, it may further be temporary tactile, auditory and visual hallucinations. All mental disorders due to mind-altering substances associated with an enormous engagement on the experience and behavior. The reality is experiencing changes and behaviors adapt to these changes. The result is a complete distortion of the human consciousness. These slow down the activity of the central nervous system and act accordingly eases tensions and disinheriting and impair judgment, motor activity and concentration (Clark et al, 2002). By opium and morphine, the pain is removed. Consumers feel strong euphoria associated with extreme feelings of happiness, but also emotional distance and daydreams.

Schizophrenia & Psychosis

One of psychosis is an extraordinary state of mind that is characterized by delusions and altered perception or interpretation of reality. This condition is most common in bipolar disorder (manic depression) and schizophrenia. Trigger in both cases is an overreaction of the brain, based on biochemical processes. But that is a guess in the logical implication because both diseases can get good with drugs under control.. In the psychotic state of sufferers usually do not recognize that he is ill. In the schizophrenic psychosis often comes to one Impairment and prosecution experience. Therefore, it is necessary in many cases to allow for the protection of the patient before a commit suicide and to protect ...
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