Brain And Mental States

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Brain and Mental States

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Brain and Mental States

Multiple Choice Questions

(d) The goal of these scientists is to understand and improve both physical and mental health.

(c) Brain

(a) Self Governing

(d) Stimulates ejaculation in males

(b) Are widely spaced, but immediately begin to form connections

(a) Serotonin

(c) In their research on morphine, Pert and Snyder discovered that animals, including humans, had evolved opiate receptors in order to deal with certain properties of the poppy plant.

(a) Amygdala

(a) The mental skills of the left hemisphere are superior to those of the right hemisphere.

(b) Suprachiasmatic nucleus

(a) REM

(d) The theory says more about REM sleep than about dreaming.

(d) Drugs derived from the opium poppy that relieve pain and produce euphoria.

(a) Psychoactive drugs produce their effects primarily by acting on brain neurotransmitters.

(a) The amino acid tryptophan promotes the onset of sleep.

Answer 1

Dendrite is the extension of a neuron in a branched form. Most neurons have multiple dendrites, which are typically short and branches, and these dendrites are specialized synaptic contacts with terminals of other nerve cells to transmit nerve impulses. The connection between nerve cells and brain helps in allowing the memory to extract and store information. An axon is in the body part of a nerve cell, which extends axis-shaped or thread. The axon is covered with a layer of myelin, and its function is to transport the signals. From the far end of the axon, nerve impulses are transmitted to other neurons or target organs. Neuron is the most common word which is used when referring to the brain and it is a cell whose role is the transmission of electrical signals.

Answer 2

Endorphin: are inhibitors of pain sensation.

Norepinephrine: acts when the agency must respond quickly to unexpected impetus for example, increased heart rate.

Serotonin is an inhibitor. You relate to the moods. It is related to the onset of schizophrenia.

Substance P: acting on the transmission of pain signals.

Answer 3

The parts of the brain are cerebrum, cerebellum, diencephalon, mid-brain and hind-brain. The diencephalon consists of four parts, the thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus and epithalamus. In general, the thalamus, the central switching station of the sensory and motor functions of the autonomic nervous system, the hypothalamus with the pituitary gland of the endocrine system and the central switching to other brain centers. This help in reacting on the food and game the person is playing.

Answer 4

Left hemisphere of brain sees the large picture first, and then does the critical thinking ...
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