Substance Abuse

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse


As communities approach the new millenniums nurses due to their profound and diversified professional expertise find themselves offering services and care for people with drug abuse and related psychological and physical dependency problems. The concept of substance abuse is complicated and does not allow easy and immediate solutions. The emotional and economical expense on these infirmity are not only a burden for the individual but also affect local communities and there frameworks.

The nursing profession possesses primary responsibilities in prevention, reduction and eradication of harmful practices and disorders caused by substances abuse. Nurses comprise as the single largest group of professionals offering health acre in USA. There are enormous opportunities through out this career to play a heroic hand in ceasing progression of addiction and misuse.

The 'Substance Abuse' is a term designated as problematic and dependent misuse of drugs, medicines and alcohol. When referring to a nurse, the provision of health case in cases of substance abuse, nursing services cover all possible medical help a person in a community hope to get in order to get rid of addiction.


Substance misuse has no restrictions it can affect any individual from every class of community regardless of race, creed, religion or sex. It is mandatory to recognize the misuse of substances and how much they are common today. Substance misuse can be by a person who misuses hypnotics as sedatives and anxiolytics to feel at peace; a person who drinks too much to cope up with the pressures and challenges of work or education; a person injecting heroin and other abusive drugs in order to feel high and elated.

Nurses work in various clinical and non clinical settings with different concept to care. There is no definitive manner of working, nurses' work with the clients in ways suitable and acceptable by the user (Wright, 1997).

Engaging In Treatment

Nurses work in unison in health promotion practices in communities on single or group levels through public health procedures as well as through direct levels of care in the communities, families and individuals.

Nurses make care and services possible by advertising their expertise so that all potential client who need help can access them. This also allows sufficient flexibility for a vast number of people to gain access to services, by offering open work shops, evening timings services, gender specific services, street work and clinical consultations. The impact of offering equal opportunities to clients in respectable and dignified ways led people to feel more prone towards treatment. Marketing and advertising forms important components for nursing cared delivery for addicts in a community setting.

Client Centered Approach

The nursing practices are directed to ensure that the health and care needs of addicted clients are kept to the top priority. Clients being in fragile states both in psychological and physical, require immediate care and attention. Nurses need to focus their powers on enabling clients to manage their lives independently in ways constructive and helpful for them to re shape and re start their ...
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