Introduction To Substance Abuse Counseling

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Introduction to Substance Abuse Counseling

Introduction to Substance Abuse Counseling

Explain the differences between substance use, misuse, abuse and dependence.

Substance use is defined as using something that is the habit of the person, or he is using the substance for a purpose or does so habitually. Substance abuse becomes substance misuse when the person is not taking the medications according to the prescribe dosage, and consume a higher dosage. Substances also include alcohol and drugs and they turn into abuse if its consumption becomes harmful for the person consuming it ( Substance dependency means that the person is unable to control the urge of consuming those substances and he heavily depends on such substances.

What has research found that demonstrates the possible neuro-chemical basis for the ongoing use of substances?

Research has found that addiction is the cause for the ongoing usage of substances. When a person starts consuming drugs in large quantities, and consumes it frequently, he becomes addicted to it. When he becomes addicted to it, he develops a need and an urge for it, and when that urge and need is not fulfilled, it causes depression. This is the neuro-chemical basis for the ongoing use of substances. It is important for the people to know the side effects of consumption of such substances; therefore, care should be taken.

Discuss the effects of excessive use of alcohol on the organs of the body.

Excessive use of alcohol has a lot of impacts on the human body. Whenever alcohol is consumed, it gets mixed with the blood in the body and stays in the body for a couple of hours even after consumption. The stomach and the small intestine absorb the most alcohol and impact them adversely. Three main body parts, liver, brain and heart are the ones that are impacted the most by excessive ...
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