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Assignment on Statistics

Statistics is a science dedicated to the collection, analysis and interpretation of data through the application of various statistical techniques. Statistics assignments often require the application of various statistical methods as well as descriptive statistics. This section of Researchomatic will provide you with some of the most carefully selected statistics assignments, in order to help easy interpretation of numerical information and to gain understanding of the different statistical concepts.

Module 1 Case And Slp- Background
Module 1 Case and SLP- Background Case 1-Descriptive Analysis3 Introduction3 Study Objective4 Study Questions4 Descriptive Statistics4 For 1st Question4 For 2nd Question5 Case 2-Chi Square Test8 A.Was There A Selection Bias?8 Employment and Ethnics8 Research Hypothesis8 Test Results8 Recommendations10 Employment and Gender10 Research Hypothesis10 Test Results11 Recommendations13 B. Can Chi-Square Be Used With The Ugandan Database?14 Research Hypothesis14 Test Results14 Interpretations15 Module 1 - SLP16 Research Paper-116 Research Study:16 Overall Review & Critique Of ...
Principles Of Biostatistics
PRINCIPLES OF BIOSTATISTICS Principles of Biostatistics [Date of Submission] Principles of Biostatistics  Case Study No. 1 Answer No. 1 The given data is quantitative as it is comprised of numbers or numeric values indicating the number of patient visits per week at a dentist's office over a ten-week period, which is countable and measurable in ...
Business Management
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Applying Spreadsheet and Information Technology to Business Management Applying Spreadsheet and Information Technology to Business Management Introduction Definition of a Spreadsheet A spreadsheet can be defined as a document which consists of horizontal rows and vertical columns, which are used for recording and comparing data in a useful and a convenient ...
STATISTICS Statistics on Deaths Reported to Coroners, England and Wales, In 2012 Statistics on Deaths Reported to Coroners, England and Wales, In 2012 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the increase of 1,477 in the category of “Unclassified verdicts”, over the past few years. To examine this rise, two independent ...
Business Decisions
BUSINESS DECISIONS Business Decision Making Task 12 Introduction2 Plan for collection of Data from students2 Methodology & Sampling Frame3 Questionnaire3 Merits & Demerit in the collection of Primary Data4 Conclusion4 Task 25 Introduction5 Mean5 Median5 Mode5 Lower Quartile6 Upper Quartile6 Snapshot for Excel Calculations6 Comments & Recommendations6 Standard Deviation7 Range7 Snapshot of Excel Calculations8 Role of Quartiles and Percentiles in Business Analysis8 Conclusion8 Task 39 Introduction9 Presentation on Sales and Profits of Acme Corporation9 Formal ...
Article Analysis
Article Analysis Article Analysis Methods: Design, Measurement and Analyses Cross-sectional Survey The study by Grav, Hellzen, Romild & Stordal (2011) is based on cross-sectional study which is a method that is often used in developmental psychology; however, it is also used in several other areas. Cross-sectional research is performed with the random individuals from ...
Week 8 - Assignment
Week 8 - Assignment Week 8 - Assignment Chapter # 14 Question No. 01 Answer A simple One Way ANOVA analysis is used to test the significance of the difference between the averages of two or more groups, provided that there is one independent variable only. On the other hand, a factorial ANOVA analysis can ...
Week 9
WEEK 9 Week 9 Assignment Question 3 Betsy is interested in predicting the variables o0f 75 year old people who have faced the Alzheimer's disease. The investigator has used the scale for identifying the predictor's variables that comprise of level of education and general physical health of respondents. The scale is varying ...
Research Method
RESEARCH METHOD Research Methods Introduction2 Discussion2 Qualitative Approach2 Quantitative Approach2 Primary Sources3 Secondary Sources3 Relevant Theory3 Mono Method4 Multi Method4 Part A:4 Part B:5 Part C:6 Specific Research Strategies7 Introduction7 Quantitative (Deductive) & Qualitative (Inductive) Approach7 Gantt chart8 Timeline of Gantt chart9 Key Milestones10 Potential Difficulties10 Ethical Issues10 Research Methods Introduction The local council organization lost the market value with declined ratio of public users in the community. From the last couple of years, ...
Library Project
Library Project Library Project Introduction The study relates to the allocation of funds to Ramstein library or Vogelweh library. In the study, KMC commanded that the library with the oldest collection will get the funds; however, in case there is no significant difference in the age of the collections then the funds will ...
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