Week 9

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Week 9 Assignment

Question 3

Betsy is interested in predicting the variables o0f 75 year old people who have faced the Alzheimer's disease. The investigator has used the scale for identifying the predictor's variables that comprise of level of education and general physical health of respondents. The scale is varying from 1 to 10. Though, Betsy want to utilize another predictor variables that can affluent for analyzing the strong evident and their results.

In this study, Betsy wants to select other predictor variables that can assess her for evaluating the best answers. She can select the predicting variables by scrutinizing the overall study and enlighten the effects that have obtained from the given predicting variables. Betsy can predict the new variables by using a sample test on the collected data which she obtained from other sources. Though, the selection of new predicting variables is depending on the in sufficient outcomes that have obtained from the past predicting variables. She can speculate other variables by estimating the statistical methods and obtain the outcomes from these variables. Further, she can compare the results from the past and current predicting variables (Satorra & Bentler, 2010).

The two predictors that might be selected by Betsy and that related to Alzheimer's disease are age of respondents and their medical history. These two new predicting variables are effective for providing her best results.

From the four predictor variables such as level of education, general physical health, age of participants and medical history of the respondents, the best model that can depict the effective approach is multiple regression model. This model requires multiple variables that can effectual and efficient for describing the nature of the study. The regression equation requires dependent and independent variable and the regression equation is

Y = a + ß1x1 + + ß2x2 + + ß3x3 + ß4x4 + E

Where Y = Independent variable

B1 = level of education

B2 = physical health

B3 = age of respondents

B4 = medical history

E = random error

The multiple regression model is used when multinomial variables has highlighted in the research study. The use of multiple regression models has described the effects of using several independent variables. The use of independent variables will effectual for the investigators to utilize the multiple data (Washington et al., 2011).

Question 4

The approach of statistical method that is linear regression is possible in that situation when the presence ...
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