Staff Scheduling

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Staff Scheduling

Staff Scheduling

Staffing Framework

In the framework of sectoral reform processes, the demands to develop systems health with increasing coverage and better quality in service provision has been determined introduction of a number of new management practices. Taking into account the various situations and levels of care, strengthening and organizational effectiveness also tests the ability of managers in health get the right people, distribute the criteria of equity, quality and efficiency, along with the development of maintenance strategies of contingent staff (Aiken, 2002a). Usually, once defined the objectives and functions of an organization, creation of a staffing is intended to be the number of teams necessary work with people who possess the skills and values ??to ensure that the institution to achieve these objectives. Consecutively, it becomes necessary to develop skills to coordinate and ensure the performance of the entire workforce. The scenario outlined in the previous paragraph is not, however, they find managers usually when analyzing staffing in the field of health. Indeed, the objectives of organizations are not always clearly defined, studies of service needs and demand of the population are unclear, the limits between different institutions are diffuse, each institution has a history and culture has often given little harmonic growth, either by responding to certain contingencies or trying to exploit an investment opportunity.

This causes the analysis of staffing (composition, distribution, performance, and sufficiency), is highly complex in a setting health, either alone or in an institution in a larger system (Aiken, 2002b). Notwithstanding this, manager's health at any level, with national responsibilities, local networks of establishments or clinical or administrative services, should be considered in making making aspects of human resource management, including consideration of the allocations. This manual is intended to provide support for these managers, contributing to the analysis of availability of human resources at your institution. To determine the staff should have a health system or organization, appear to least three perspectives that must be taken into account when defining what possible get the manual that comes along is.

The first perspective is to try to answer the question: Is it possible to know what staff is required to obtain certain population coverage and / or real satisfaction health needs of the population? To do this, it requires significant studies Epidemiological, systematization of national programs and demand if any, and advance national standards intended to transform the facilities required the personnel needed to perform these services. To this must be added the need for analyze the effective availability of human resources (skills, the country's economic and so on.) gradually adapting to the coverage and programs in general (Clarke, 2002a).

The second possibility to determine the "ought" is the setting of "standards" against which to compare current availability. The setting of standards, eg national, poses different problems. Do you take standards according to the quality of care given today or will be set standards to improve quality? As logical to search for standards is to convene experts in each of the issues, often this exercise leads ...
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