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Speech Paper

Speech Paper


Topic: Stem Cell Research pros and cons


Stem cell research breakthrough

The ethical debate ensuing from Stem cell research


The destruction of embroyo is not killing

Helpful in medical point of view


Religious point of view

Destruction of Life


Tying in the two sides


In November 1998, two independent teams of American scientists reported that they had succeeded in isolating and culturing stem cells obtained from human embryos and fetuses. Because many diseases result from death or dysfunction of one type of cells, scientists believe that the introduction of healthy cells of this type in the patient can recover lost or compromised function. Stem cell research is a new proof of stem cells (primitive type of cell), can be persuaded to develop the most 220 cell types in the human body (Cameron Williamson 2005). However, ethics comes into play when we are dealing with a legitimate question of either party, both positive and negative opinions, the problem really is in fact a source of stem cells. It seems that every exciting prospects for stem cell research is an ethical issue, go with it. Some of them are more complex as the other, but the main thing holding back the full study on the extent of this is bioethics.

In general, there are no serious problems with adult stem cell research. The main ethical problem is the destruction of human embryos when stem cells are extracted. In this regard, individuals and groups have different opinions, and therefore difficult to pass laws and restrictions to accommodate all (Lo Zettler Kidron et al 2005). Some religious groups argue that life begins at contraception and, consequently, the destruction of an embryo is equivalent to the destruction of human life. Some scholars argue that IVF embryos are discarded and discontinued why not use them for something. But this again raises the same arguments, as well as the fact that the embryos were created for human life, and not to conduct scientific experiments. Another argument is that a devastating impact on the cost of living and the use of human beings and human capacity for research is immoral.

Question on cloning raised the issue and therapeutic cloning has the same controversial answer. The process of copying DNA of people are very scared for many and raises a lot of disputes (Savulescu 1999).

To combat these issues, scientists are looking for less controversial area of stem cell research such as adult stem cells. They ...
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