Freedom Of Expression & Speech

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Freedom of Expression & Speech

In this paper, I will analyze Freedom of speech which acts as cornerstone of American freedom and democracy. When citizens express beliefs without fear of government restriction, the "marketplace of ideas" forms, and benefits society as the result of wealth of views expressed. John Peter Zenger said: "No nation, ancient or modern lost freedom to speak freely, write or publish their sentiments, but forthwith lost their liberty in general ..." Zenger says that the free society is only possible if freedom of expression is legally protected.

Law, as stated in Amendments 1 and 14 of Constitution of United States, to express information, ideas and opinions without government restrictions based on content. THE modern legal test of legitimacy of proposed restrictions on freedom of expression stated in opinion of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in Schenk v. U.S. (1919): the restriction is legitimate only if speech in question poses the clear "and present danger" - i.e., the risk or threat to public safety or other interests that is serious and imminent. Many cases related to freedom of speech and press has also referred to defamation, obscenity, and censorship (see Pentagon Papers). See also censorship.

In my opinion, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from consent of governed" defining legitimacy and recognition of right of the government to govern for people of his state. When the system does not respond to its citizens, it loses its legitimacy, revolution or reform inevitably occurs, as evidenced by American Revolution. When English crown did not allow for representation in government of colonies, colonists felt that British government illegitimate and rose against him. More recently, Iran held fraudulent elections in June 2009, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared winner by the landslide, opposition was rushed to streets and rioted for weeks in an effort to get supreme council to reconsider choice and requiring legitimacy of government had committed.

I think that if the society restricts individuals peacefully expressing criticism of government, violent methods for change are likely to be used.

In the society where people have power to express their views and participate actively in development of government, have less reason to protest violently because they have opportunity to influence change. When citizens can express beliefs without fear of government restrictions, the "marketplace of ideas" forms, and benefits society as the result of richness of perspectives.

People who express opinions in their own way, but history show some ways more effective than others. Join interest groups, voting in elections, petition and protest, and donating to campaigns of all means prove powerful for expressing ideas. Interest groups provide strength. When more people with the specific objective, standing together your idea is more widely visible.

Voting is an opportunity for citizens to elect officials to accept or reject law, and express their views on policies of previous period. Despite possessing voting power, many Americans do not go to polls, America is usually lower participation rate of all countries democratized, topping out at 64% in 2008.

Petition and protest to attention of ...
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