Sources Of Motivation

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Sources of Motivation


Education is a behavioral and developmental process that continuous thorough out the life span of an individual. During the entire educational process teachers play a vital and active role. Behind every behavior there is always a motive in all forms of circumstances. It has been discovered by researches that the key motivating factor involve is giving an individual a sense of success. Teachers can be regarded as the backbone of their schools. They have their school responsibility. Schools administration has the responsibility of motivating their teachers. Hence, the study is designed to explore the type and level best suiting the needs of teachers. The researches will be beneficial for teachers, students, educational system, educational institutes and educational administrations. The study aims to identify the motivational sources to teachers through survey. According to Celtek factors impacting motivation can only be explained by deducing the individual's behavior and by accomplishing researches.

The study was conducted in order to determine different sources of motivational levels. The study explored the phenomena of motivation sources and their levels by means of teachers' views. Under the light of the given aim, the following queries were addressed, the views of teachers on motivational level resulted from sources of motivation. Additionally, the variations in the motivational level according to the teachers were studied. The variables studied were: Gender, responsibility area and occupational status/seniority.

For the purpose of statistical calculations to conclude the study, data was collected through primary schools functioning from 2006-2007 in Elazig province centre. In order to collect data for the study a questionnaire developed by the researchers under the light of the past researches, review of literature and expert opinion. In order to assess the reliability of the scale Cronbach's Alpha statistical operation was operated.

The questionnaire was comprised of four items ...
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