Human Motivation

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Stress In Relation To Human Motivation

Stress In Relation To Human Motivation


Motivation is great part of todays management. However, most organizations don't give it much thought until something starts to go wrong. Pain gets people's attention. Therefore it is important to motivate because motivation is force behind all human actions. Manager must be able to realize and fulfill the most urgent needs of employees as well as other needs to keep than satisfied, free from stress, and highly motivated. Satisfied and motivated employees are value because they will be less likely to quit the job therefore reducing staff turnover and cost of employee training as they will have gained all the necessary skills and experience, so their performance will be good, therefore companies overall performance can rise as well.


Many people have studied needs and ways of motivating the employees. Theories on this subject can be very different and are divided into two categories content and process theories. Content theories stress that every one of us has same set of needs, which must be satisfied. One of the first and most influential content theories is Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (1954). This theory states that human needs are formed similar to pyramid with 5 levels, where bottom level must be completed to move to the next level. Five levels are: 1. Psychological (food, shelter, clothe), 2. Security needs, 3. Social needs, 4. Self-esteem (recognition and self-belief), 5. self-actualization (develop ones full potential). (R. Fincham, P Rhodes, 2005 p.195) One similar to Maslows is ERG (Existence, Relatedness, and Growth) theory developed by Alderfer (1972).

Biological Factors

Alderfers theory says that everybody has 3 sets of needs. Existence, which includes food, shelter, clothes, need to feel safe and similar (Maslows 1st and 2nd levels). Relatedness - social activities, family, friendly working environment, etc (Maslows 3rd and 4th levels). Growth recognition from supervisors and managers, occasional bonuses or rise in salary, promotion, etc (Maslows 4th and 5th levels). Although it looks like the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs with less and more compact sets of needs, there is one important difference there is no order specified in which these needs must be satisfied. (Fincham, Rhodes, 2005) However, as Kotler et al 2005, points out if one has unsatisfied need, one will try to find something that satisfies it or tries to get rid of the need.

Organ Responses

Companies has limited influence on Existence set of needs, other than providing rates of pay which enables worker to pay all the bills and supply family with enough food, and still have some extra spending money left (there are cases where ?worker villages have been built in order to provide workers with accommodation and everything necessary, as to provide for existence needs and ultimately have some control of workers lives as well). However, there are many possible ways of satisfying Relatedness and Growth sets of needs. Relatedness could be satisfied by ensuring friendly and open working conditions, possibly non-work related social activities with co-workers, extra holidays to spend with ...
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