Some Moral Minima

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“Some Moral Minima”

“Some Moral Minima”

Some Moral Minima

Morality is one of the senses that all the human beings possess. This is visible by the fact that we always try to do something in favor of the needy and the sufferers. An article was presented by Lenn Goodman, regarding many of such things that would normally be considered, as being morally wrong. He is of the view that though it is a hard reality that all the cultures, as well as the states have always made different kinds of compromises and the fact that it is necessary for one norm to be sacrificed in trying to give space to the other, yet, no set norms can be derived or said to be the immediate necessity of one's life or a culture (Goodman, 2010). It is observed that many times we want to do something good or want to avoid something that is considered to be bad, yet, because of the nature and composition of our culture, it is not so. The author has discussed many things in her article, which include things like: genocide, politically induced famine, and germ warfare, etc (Goodman, 2010).

In today's world, turning your face away, when something bad is happening in front of you has also become a kind of a norm, irrespective of the fact that a lady or a girl is being raped, or someone is being killed. The author is of the view that in today's modern society, people have become such that they are not worried and are least concerned with what is happening around them. There are others, who would not even speak if some or do something, even if something bad was happening with them or their loved ones. The author also states the fact that the main reason of such things happening in our society is because of the fact that the ways of living have changed dramatically from the past. The improvement in the lifestyle is one of the factors for such change, as people are least concerned with people other than themselves. In some societies it is an everyday occurrence to watch someone be murdered, raped, or abused. If we choose to live like this what makes us any better than the tyrants who commit the crime (Goodman, 2010).

In America if someone commits murder it is punishable by death, in other cultures it is the norm. Punishing ...
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