Sociology Assignment

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Sociology Assignment

Sociology Assignment

Question 1

Determinism is an ideological stance according to which human behavior is subject to the determining influence of some factors: either hereditary, environmental good and / or geographic good of society, on the behavior of individuals (Cockfield, 2010, pp.4-8).

The positive and negative views of determinism are hard and soft. A hard determinist accepts that everything which is brought about is past our control. It could be illustrated by the way that we are roused by the evasion of pain yet we can't constrain anything which can give us pain or joy. As this is not in our control so we can't see ourselves as to be unlimited. Near the finale, it might be collected that a hard determinist accept that determinism and unrestrained choice are inconsistent with each one in turn

Soft determinism additionally most soft determinist is of the positive perspective. They accept that we can control some of our results and it is a part of flexibility however it relies on us. Soft determinism is called as compactable on the grounds that it holds both flexibility and all inclusive causation. Those who believe in soft determinism have the view that everything is initiated consistent with the laws and the impacts made by those are effortlessly anticipated.

The aforementioned contentions, and others, for example illustrating the flexibility of a dependence on particular intentions and values, are constrained; then again, unique components of flexibility of decision in a specific scenario don't have in common with opportunity as essential anthropological qualities of the individual (Deutsch, 2011).

I do not share these interpretation criteria because it nullifies any possibility of free will in human beings and this is contrary to the very nature of man. I believe in interactionism and totalizing philosophies that support the conduct or human behavior is influenced by all these factors individual psychic qualities that make up the personality of each.

Question 2

Quantitative methods are those which are geared towards numbers and occurrences other than significance and understanding. These methods include the use of experiments, close ended questionnaires, data bases, surveys, and statistical analysis (Bernard, 2012).


Results can be generalized, if collection procedure is devised properly, and sample describes the population under study.

Comparatively easier to examine

Data can be very reliable, to the point, and dependable.

Collecting data is normally inexpensive.


Linked secondary data at times is not accessible and getting hold of such data is complex

Not easy to comprehend perspective of plan activities

Data may not be sufficiently strong to clarify complicated matters.

Qualitative methods are those methods of collecting data which are linked with explaining significance. Qualitative methods include observations, interviews, focus groups, case studies and interviews (Flick, 2009).


Harmonizes and filters quantitative data

Gives more in-depth information to clarify complicated matters

Several techniques for collecting data on insightful matters


Results typically cannot be induced to the population or group under study

More complicated to evaluate; finding do not match the regular categories

Collecting data is typically time draining and expensive.

An example of quantitative research can be taken of the ...
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