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Sociology Assignment

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Sociology Assignment

Sociology Assignment


Empathy is the ability of the worker to “perceive and communicate accurately and with sensitivity both the current feelings and experiences of another person and their meaning and significance” (Traux & Mitchell, 1971; as cited in Fisher, 1978, p. 192). By actively listening to what the other person is saying one can convey empathy by demonstrating that they are making a genuine effort to understand the other person (Cournoyer, 2008, p. 145).

Empathy is consider to be potential of understanding what another person is experiencing, what he feel and what he is going from with his own frame of reference that is the potential of putting yourself into other's shoes. It improves conversation within interview, as it reveals more trust and convenience. Therefore for ensuring empathy, I tend to understand his view point as far as I can by keep repeating his conversion and showing concern towards him. I put myself so engage in conversation and show sign of understanding his feeling to facilitate conversation.


Warmth is related to being friendly, kindness or showing affection. Obeying some of the strategies and hints will be able to generate an impression of warmth and appreciation rather than mad personality. Those hints are:

Smile as you welcome the interviewer - Most important impact is put on from first impression, so make sure that you are upfront in putting positive impression at first. Show such glimpses that you are incredibly pleased to be at the interview.

Smile on when interviewer highlighting his strength and achievements.

Smile at the end of interview - When you comes at the end of an interview and while saying goodbye and applause of thanks keep in mind to provide broad smile to show them that it was wonderful experience and you enjoyed conversation

All these enable to build up warmth ...
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