Sociology Assignment

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Sociology Assignment

Describe your family, how is it different from other families? How does your family fit into the demographics discussed in the books?

My Family

Family is an irreplaceable element without which one can never survive. There are only two primary members in my family, my mother and my sister. My father died when I was fourteen years old in a car accident. As a whole, my family is cool and loving. My sister's name is Shera Kristine. She is three years younger than I am. My sister is moody but respects because I am his elder brother. We are so close that I always braid her hair, sleep together and tell stories to each other. My mother is the essence of my family. She is so thrifty and loves travelling to places. I love to spend time with my family.

Difference between my Families with other Families

The main difference between my families from the majority of other families is that my mother is my family's sole bread earner unlike others where father does this job. We have to live without a male dominant member, so I have to take that responsibility somewhat because I am the only son. As I am currently studying, therefore my mother teaches in a primary school to make some earning so that I and my sister can complete our studies in the best possible manner.

My Family and the US Demographics

The statistics of US demographics show that the size of family has decreased with the passage of time. During the twentieth century, the size of a household was 7 people, while during the twenty first century; it turned out to be 2 people ( Therefore, my family represents the majority or average number of US family according to the demographic statistics (Gerson, 2010).

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