Socialization Of Health Care

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Socialization of Health Care

Socialization of Health Care


Improving the health of the population is the goal of the ministry or department of health in almost every nation. In recent years, policy debates about how to achieve this goal has been expanded that include the issues of necessary public health functions or services as the foundation for achieve better health policies for public (Bernstein, 2010, pp. 65-90). The health policy makers have understood that without an appropriate infrastructure, as required to provide these services, none of the healthcare authorities may move efficiently towards the improvement of health for everyone. Moreover, the needs of a city, region or a nation will change over time. The presence of a well-developed network of functions and essential public health services allows flexibility and growth of programming over the years (Beauchamp, 2001, pp.120-145). The half-century history of the existence of NHS is better than any other arguments to confirm the stable performance of the state structure, and yet many experts in the field of public health predict the emergence of serious financial and organizational problems in the British health care system already up to 2010.Socialization of Health Care

The idea of the socialization of health care was the fact that the UK is capable of during the war years to realize almost full employment and spend huge money on the military in peacetime. It sends such a social solidarity and financial resources for the welfare of the citizens. Yet after the development of legal basis for reforming the health care system the Ministry of Health of the United Kingdom faced with an unforeseen problem, doctors not only discourage innovation, but also provided an organized resistance. Aneurin Bevan, who was in office at that time Minister of Health, was no easy task to perform, and medical staff at his side, because without the support of the health care plan, it would be doomed. According to historians, Mr. Bevan was a shrewd politician and managed to split the political opposition and get the support of leading medical luminaries, promising to all academic advisors excellent compensation. July 5, 1948 the founder of modern British Medicine officially announced the introduction of National Health Service with the following words, “Now we have an ideological model for the world.” Until that time, millions of citizens of the United Kingdom could not afford private medical services mainly to institutions and in fact, had no medical care. 

To date, every Briton has access to quality health services, which financed through progressive taxation, that is, everyone pays according to their capabilities and how the patient receives the services needed, respectively. It is interesting that even now the British Labour Party still considers the creation of NHS his most remarkable achievement. Thus, the British NHS has become the world's first, national organization that provides free, universal health care. In modern conditions, work time-tested system is still successful, but its stability, many analysts raised fears. Globalization and the increased cost of medicine have led to serious structural problems, notably the need to wait for ...
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