Social Work

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Social work

Social Work


Social work is normally split into three broad practice groups; the micro, mezzo (midlevel) and macro levels. The British Association of Social Workers, (BASW), promote a Code of Ethics, that they expect each and every social worker to adhere to. The key principles of these are human dignity and worth, social justice, service to humanity, integrity and competence (1999). Each of these principles contains core values that are imperative for good social work practice. Examples of such values are 'Respect for human dignity and for individual and cultural diversity', 'Value for every human being, their beliefs, goals, preferences and needs', also 'Respect for human rights and self-determination'. When I first read the code of ethics, at the very beginning of studying social work, it appeared very simple. I asked myself “Surely it can't be complicated to follow these basic values?”. Nevertheless, through the teaching I've had so far and the questions it has raised, I realise that social workers must keep a constant check on themselves, reflecting regularly so as their service users receive a consistent quality of service.

Social service is no doubt, a very good quality. By social service we directly help the society, but indirectly we help ourselves also. the well-being of the society means the well-being or its individual members. We are too, some of these members. Hence, we are also benefited. However, we should not think of social service, because it is a virtue, a good quality and a socially useful activity.

Discussion and Analysis

Social work is a profession which promotes social change and problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance wellbeing. Utilizing theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the point where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work”.

Social work is recognized as a specialist profession with a sustainable universal value, expertise and knowledge foundation. Over many years the social work services have provided these facilities to vulnerable individuals which have then enabled the success of future generations, turning threatened dysfunctional members of society into well balanced, functional happy people. Social workers also have a fundamental role in working with individuals, assisting them in taking more control of their lives only where it is tangible and suitable (Victor, 1994). A social worker today, should be ideally confident, competent, hard working professionals, working closely in with the service user, linked workers and other involved professionals, to help the service users achieve their goals in their lives. The main responsibility of the social worker is to protect the welfare and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults and mental health service users in the communities. A social worker must therefore adapt a holistic approach, which means to fully understand and be aware of entire history and situation of the potential service user/families. Developing an effective strategic method in helping relationship with the service users, is extremely paramount to the role, for a better ...
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