Social Work

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Social Work

Social work


Going over Roy's case, that he is a homeless and disabled person, the numbers of cases in the US are increasing day by day. According to the 'Annual Homeless Assessment Report, 2008' 42.8% of homeless adults are experiencing disabilities. There are two types of disabilities which can be mental or physical but mental disability can be of more hassle. According to the universal declaration of human rights and the convention of the rights of disable persons, many human rights issues have been raised. And there are separate rules for them, to give them protection that they deserve (Weiss. T. C, 2009).


Rights of Person with disabilities

The “United Nation Convention” passed the first human right treaty of the 21st century on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, which confirms the declaration of human rights of disabled people which will help their journey to become more peaceful and they will be able to enjoy all the rights equally distributed.

The function of the convention is for the persons with disabilities to protect, promote and ensure equal and full enjoyment by the fundamental freedom & human rights which will provide respect for their inborn self-esteem. There are many bodies that are working with stakeholders to make this work out effectively, so that any barriers faced by the disabled people are fulfilled and there is no discrimination of services to people like these. And also to promote ease of communication for them to make their connection easier with all the services they need. (, 2012).

Support of the Social Sector

The social sectors and the government's responsibilities vary with countries and there are special programs that are developed for the economic and social wellbeing of the disabled. And issues related to the disabled are vocational training, disabled housing, and co ordination with other sectors from ...
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