Social Service

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Social Service

Social Service


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the case study of a 73 year old woman.

Case Description

The case is about a 73 year recently widowed woman. Since her first child, the woman has not worked outside. She had always relied on her husband for the home management. She is low income and has to pay different debts. The case is about the social services being provided to this woman.

Psychosocial History of the Women

Given below is the psychosocial history of the women.

Patient Identification: The patient is a 73 year old widow.

Medical History: She had been suffering from the medical problems related to the cardiology and blood pressure since last 20 years. She had been admitted to hospital and had 1 cardiac surgery.

Psychosocial History:

Marital Status: She was a women and just became a widow

Sexual History: She had straight sexual orientation

Education: She had completed her graduation

Occupational History: She was a house wife and did not do any job

Socioeconomic Status: She was not a financially stable women and currently under many debts.

Current Problems and Concerns: Currently she is facing different problems. Her husband has recently died and she has never performed any tasks related to home management. Throughout her life she remained dependant on her husband and now she is under debts.

Progress Note

The progress of Canadian Association of Social Workersshows that the widow women have been suffering from different medical problems including the health heart problem and the blood pressure problem.

Medical History: The medical history of the patient is not very much complicated except for the fact that she is done with the open heart surgery which has affected her. She had always been a victim of high blood pressure and she is still suffering from this.

Assessment: In my opinion, the widow woman is suffering from the depression and there is a greater need that proper medical and clinical supervision should be provided to her which can be helpful in providing her a relief from the medical problems she is facing. There is also a need of therapeutic intervention which can be helpful in providing her the counseling advices and release her frustration.

Future Predictions: From the future predictions it can be analyzed that the widow woman is currently suffering from different problems. Her husband has recently died and she does not have any experience of managing the house chores. She is also under debts and does not have the proper income to pay off these debts. Therefore, these circumstances might be dangerous for her in increasing stress level. The increased stress level can result in the cardio related problems and can also result in the increased blood pressure. Therefore, there is a great need to provide her the circumstances which can result in the reduction of stress.

The progress notes of other two agencies are given below (See Appendices).

Three Referral Social Service Agencies

Given below are the three referral social service agencies which can be helpful for providing the base for the case ...
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