The Social Service

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The social service

The social service


Social service is a service which is mainly designed and offered for the convenience and betterment of any society or group of peoples. It targets the issues and problems of the peoples and also takes steps or point issues to the government, so that these issues can be solved on priority basis. Another term on which this research proposal is based is social exclusion. The term social exclusion has its origins in the work published in the year 1974 named as “exclusion”. In the years 1960-1970, this concept does not exists, only the concept of social withdrawal is used to describe poverty dimensional, essentially economic, endangered because of economic growth and welfare institutions social. In 1975, mental representations change the lives of the poor is recognized and discovery under the name of new poor (Parsons, 2001). The concepts of multidimensional poverty and social exclusion appear. The concept of social exclusion can be defined, in general, according to two principles beyond the overly economic or monetary concept of poverty. This is the definition used by the European Observatory on national policies against social exclusion. Such a design intensifies exclusion for people who live outside of the beneficiaries. Integration policies do not they may lead to passive citizenship, modern form of assistantship. In this proposal of social service we are going to propose a social service of social exclusion which works for providing help to the government in their work for society.

Thesis statement

“To setup an organization which provide help to government social service departments for solving the issues and problems of peoples effectively”


What is social exclusion

People are considered socially excluded if they do not fully in economic and social life of their community and their rights as citizens do not perceive comprehensively when they access to income and other Resources (personal, family and cultural). According to the survey conducted in the year 2001 there about 9 to 12% of the European population falls in the category of Poverty and social exclusion (Bynner, 2006). Factors that can contribute to social exclusion are Problems relating to vocational, educational and Standard of living, health, nationality, drug abuse, gender differences and violence (Sampson, 1993). Drug use can be either as a cause or as a result of viewed social exclusion (Rutter, 1998). Drug use may be a deterioration Living conditions lead, on the other hand can also social Marginalization trigger drug use. Nevertheless exists between drug abuse and social exclusion not necessarily a causal one, because not all Drug consumers are socially disintegrated (Bynner, 2006).

Case of United Kingdom government

The basic concept of term “social exclusion” in the United Kingdom was formally come on front with the formation of interdepartmental unit of Social Exclusion by the government of United Kingdom in the year 1997. After this step of government of UK, a new unit for England is also formed that only includes or look after only Social Exclusion issues of England, instead of responsible for other issues like poverty in ...
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