Social Services

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The Structure of Social Services in the UK and the Impact on Services User

The structure of social services in the UK and the impact on services user


The main objective of Social Services is the control or elimination of social vices and issues, such as poverty, deprivation, unemployment, disease and substandard living conditions, which goes beyond the ability of individuals who suffer from it. It works on the principles of studying the causes of the ills in society in order to address and combat the causes using the most appropriate means. This requires effective participation in society to eliminate or minimize their effects and damages, to a minimum. The philosophy of social service in the concept of social moral and so the roots of the philosophy of social service relate and link to religion and humanity.

Social work aims to rise the social functioning of individuals, single and in groups, through concerted efforts in their social relationships that constitute the interaction between man and environment. Social care in the United Kingdom is associated with a broad level of social welfare aimed at providing social support to its people along with personal care and protection of their lives (Wennberg, 2006, p. 145). The structure of social care in U.K. is dynamic since it encompasses all the holistic contexts of basic social needs of the British citizens. We look into the structure of social care work in the U.K, and elaborate the impact of the structure on the users of this service.


The characteristics of primary care include providing access to the Public System of Social Services, targeting the whole population. These services are versatile, offering answers to the needs expressed. The aims also involve guiding the appropriate resource and, when necessary, referrals to secondary care; along with promoting social participation. In the following sections of the essay, we look into different structures of social services, their impact or contribution towards social progress and well-being, the effect of the management structure, the main services available from the sector, functioning of one social service (children and family) and lastly, the case of Kimberly Carlisle in an attempt to impact of social work at one client group (Stuck, 2002, p. 1022-8).

Structures of Social Services

Social care in U.K. offers greater challenges to the sector as compared to other countries. Hence, the social care sector in the United Kingdom offers a broad variety of services that are hardly seen in other nations. The Primary Care Services are managed by local authorities. The municipalities of over 20,000 inhabitants are required to manage them directly. The less they can do, and if not, the culprit is the County Council. In England, it is the duty of the governmental bodies to employ social workers and vacancies are also filled in charitable organizations with the passage of time and job availabilities. There are certain social work agencies that recruit the workers and are responsible for their induction into different areas of social care in ...
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