Social Issues In Family

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Social Issues in Family

Social Issues in Family

Problem Statement

A social issue is known as the social problem, which are actually due to the perception of people on others personal lives. People and society differ in many perceptions and is actually dependent on the mindset of the personal as well as the society. One of the most basic issues in the social perspective in our society, which is hampering the family, is the increase in the rate of divorce. Life shows us many different facets. Sometimes life shows us good, and some other times it shows bad phases. There are few phases that life throws at us that leaves us in a perplexed state in which we do not know what to do and what not to do, what is right and what is not right. These are often the situations that involve our emotions, feelings and sentiments. Whenever, we are supposed to deal with an emotional situation we often forget or remain unable to take into account rational for right or wrong.

Divorce means the ending of any relationship which is registered with the regulation authorities. In the society, the effect of divorce is prevailing very rapidly. Here comes a recent fact that one out of two marriages end in divorce. These are not only bad experiences for the couple but have its affect on the children, as well. All around the world divorce rates are consistently increasing, countries like the United States, Japan, Korea, Canada, the members of the European Union, the United Kingdom and some other developed Commonwealth countries.

The biggest social issue in the USA and the increasing trend in a rising rate of divorce USA is as a result of many linking issues, some of them are the changing role of a woman, being a bread earner than the husband, additional marital affairs, Less Traditional Views, More Independence, Media Tends, domestic violence, financial issues etc. in the end, all these problems give a spark in a negative sense to the social stability, and this is the reason which augments the social changes and the social conflict among people or the married couples, and families.

Literature Review/Discussion

The major issue which augments the rate of divorce is the deviation of people from being into the traditional families. In the previous era, family used to consist of a man and women, along with their biological children. Since many years, the rate of divorce in the United States of America has seen to be on the rising state. However, these stats are very unfortunate, but this is the true side of the picture. Thus, the main concern is on the rate of the divorce, which is very high, and should have given the maximum of attention to make it low. This is a very important concern, which can not only disturb the mental state of two persons; but unfortunately could also affect the life of the child, who is the responsibility of that couple. There is a separate policy, and laws and regulations regarding ...
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