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Social Issues Affecting Families

Social Issues Affecting Families


Everyone on earth deems this world to be a perfect and the best place in the universe to live, but as a person progresses in years, he or she understands the complexities of, this reflection of heaven, in the form of earth. The issues that a person faces in this world deprive the individual of experiencing and appreciating the pleasure the surroundings encompass. Every day we witness numerous instances where the person is pushed into unpleasant and undesirable circumstances by the affairs that exist in the society.

The crucial issue lies with the expectation the society and life, which they hold for us. The dilemma is, this cruel society judges and gauges everyone on the predetermined scale of success, achievement and triumph, without understanding and realizing the difference in position, access to resources and other critical issues, which act as an impediment in the way of several individuals to attain the same success as attained by the fortunate person who had access to most of the essential resources.

Moreover, the change of course that our society has adopted over the years has altered numerous aspects of the functioning of the society as well as the perceptions of its constituents, and the way they execute their daily affairs.

All these factors have greatly impacted the family lives and systems in some way. These pressing issues have largely impacted the average family of UK in not a profitable manner, as those issues compel the families to comply with the ongoing enormous demands of the society with respect to achievements and the appropriate standard of living. These factors have even played a pivotal role in changing the course of the family system and values, so that a typical family can prove to the world that they are not naive or incapable of complying to the pressing demands of the society. More often these pressures of attaining a standard in society have pushed the families in even more dire situations than they earlier had.

Family Life in UK

UK is renowned in the whole world for its splendid culture, norms and value system. Most importantly the inhabitants of this region give utmost importance to families and the cultural, societal system that bonds the family together. A typical family in UK constitutes of parents and their children, living together in their relished dwelling. A common family of UK normally enjoys a garden at the back of their house where the children of the family spend most of their leisure time. Moreover, a wealthy or financially stable family of UK relishes modern gadgets and luxuries, such as, car, dishwasher, computer, washing machine, television along with a DVD player. However, these commodities are not considered as luxuries anymore, in fact, they have become a necessity of every family in UK (Wang &Taylor, 2000, p.332).

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