Social Issue

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Social Issue

Social Issue


The social that I have chosen to discuss is about stay-at-home mothers versus working mothers, and which type of mothers out of these two are best for the child and the child's development. If the mother stays at home and gives more time to the child, the children's development is affected in a positive way and they end up being more successful in their future life.


In the sociological perspective, the work which is to be done by men and women is defined on the basis of gender roles formed by society. Women are usually considered to be the caretakers of the family, the progenitors and they form the central hub of the family unit, including societies where they are considered as subservient. This can be explained in the sociological context by the fact that there is a biological explanation to it. Women generally possess abilities that men do not have such as the ability to produce milk for their children (Young, 2006). This gives them special significance with regards to the child and ties them to the role of the child's caregiver and the traditional role o being the homemaker. Technological advancements have caused women to step out in the field and pursue jobs, changing the ways human beings survive now. However, the traditional views about the role of women remain the same and it is pertinent that they take care of the child and stay close to their children for their effective development.

In a research carried out by Deem in the year 1986, it was found that women still do more household work compared to men. Apart from that, women who have paid jobs are able to give less time to their homes and that affects their personal lives in a negative manner, which also exerts ...
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