Social Influence On Behavior

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Social Influence on Behavior


This paper aims to discuss about the human behaviors related to eating and marijuana. The paper does so by studying and analyzing the two behaviors in the social context. It describes what the two behaviors are, the context in which those behaviors occur, the precursors and consequences of the two behaviors in addition to the social psychological influences related to the two described behaviors.

Social Influence on Behavior


Human behavior is defined as the response of the people of different sort of groups to a deed, surroundings and environment, individual, or spur and stimulus. The human behavior of individuals changes over the time. There are number of factors which change the behavior based on the social influences. In this research paper, we are discussing the two examples of eating and marijuana of human behavior and how these human behavior changes over time based on the social influences. These two behaviors are commonly observable in the human and are amassed and summative of the responses to the peripheral or external and internal stimuli (Krasner & Ullmann 1973).


Eating As a Human Behavior

The eating behavior in human being can described the eating behavior and way of eating of people and what normally they eat. The selection of food and the approach of getting are also incorporated in the eating behavior. All the individuals eat food to endure or survive. There is a tendency of immunity in food against different diseases. Human being eats in accordance to the hereditary and inborn indigenous. The combination of food for the individual is made as per the limited and restricted etiquettes and these etiquettes also distorted according to the events and meal (Conner, Norman & Bell 2002).

Some of the individuals over eat because they are not able to cover their food need by eating three times. Mostly people eat three times in a day and for the healthy life it is enough. The overeating may cause different types of diseases in the human beings. The deep-seated conjecture is that behaviors of eating are consequences of the interaction and interchange of psychological, biological, and cognitive environmental factors. The intake of the food is synchronized by a crucial interchange of cognitive psychological and environmental factors. The changes in these forms of factors may be accountable for enhanced intakes of the food and obesity (Conner, Norman & Bell 2002).

The social influence of the eating behavior is that people are living in crowd that must be predisposed by other individuals. It is complicated for the individual to compose or formulate individual choice consistently. The influences on the basis of social perspective may force an individual to stand for by the confined or restricted traditions. There are many predecessors and the consequences of the manners in the form of social psychology conception of eating behavior of human. The social perspective of eating behavior is that when the people around the individual over eat. It will encourage the individual to over eat. The social gatherings and other parties are also ...
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