Sleeping During Office Hours

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Sleeping During Office Hours

Sleeping During Office Hours


The main issue at present is the military faced by the combats, as well as the senior officers is the rigid rules they have. Recently a study identified a case explaining a non commissioned officer was found sleeping during the duty hours. The scene began when a vigilance squad of the Corporation led by its Head of the Department then conducted a surprise check of its outlets at several places. It was then the non commissioned officer of the military was caught sleeping during his working hours.

After seeing this, a commissioned was called in urgency, here the non commissioned officer was asked to justify his misconduct and bad behaviour. The non commissioned officer was asked in clear words to justify himself providing firm reason, as to why he was sleeping during the working hours. Meanwhile, he was given some time to justify himself he was temporarily placed under suspension as he was caught sleeping at the place during office hours (


According to people and critics all those military workers, who are doing night shift are likely to suffer from sleep deprivation. Non commissioned officers confront a gamut of problems when they work in night shift. These problems involve physical, physiological, and social. The most significant problem associated with the night shift is changes in the body clock. The body clock of human beings is accustomed to get some sleep in the night. As a result, a majority of non commissioned officers feel sleepy while working. There are many non commissioned officers who even fall asleep. Night shift does not suit the lifestyle of non commissioned officers . According to a number of non commissioned officers, by working in the night shift, they do not get additional pay or compensation. It entails that there are less incentives to encourage non commissioned officers for working in the night shift.

According to this study, when non commissioned officers work in the night shift for the first time, they suffer from sleeping deprivation. The study was conducted on 30 young non commissioned officers . The study hypothesized that young non commissioned officers confront sleeping deprivation after their first night shift. The sleep quality of these people at work was investigated quantitatively. The behavior was assessed with actigraphs, diaries and Epworth Sleep Scales. The study concluded that the sleep time of non commissioned officers after the work days increase. The decline in sleep ...
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