Sexual Harassment In Law Enforcement

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Sexual Harassment in Law Enforcement

Sexual Harassment in Law Enforcement


The course of the research-based study will focus on the “Sexual Harassment in Law Enforcement”. The study will analyze different aspects associated with sexual harassment in law enforcement. The study will critically analyze different aspects of the case. The underlying scenario that is going to be a primary focus of the study is about a female Vietnamese immigrant who just became a naturalized citizen. She approached the sheriff, and discussed the biased and prejudice behavior of the fellow colleagues and officers. In the past, she has been ignoring things and get along with the officers despite all the comments and remarks made on her appearance being a Vietnamese (Harrington, 2007). The study will also discuss the significance of sexual harassment and the incorporation of sexual harassment policy in the law enforcement. One of the contemporary prevailing issues that lie at the law enforcement is discrimination based on gender. Women who are currently working in the law enforcement are not only faced with the physical constraints but, they encountered with frequent incidents of sexual harassments.


The sexual harassment in the law enforcement agencies is becoming a growing concern. Harassment deals with a broad range of offensive behaviors. It is cited as an act which intended to upset or disturb, and typically repetitive. In terms of legal sense, it is intentional and deliberate behavior which found disturbing or threatening. The most common and typical mode of harassment is sexual harassment which exists in almost every culture and society throughout the globe especially, in the workplace. Sexual harassment refers to persistent inexorable and unwanted sexual advances, they typically observed in the work places, where the subsequent consequences of refusing are potentially unfavorable to the victim (Harvill, 2005). The underlying case specifically falls under the category of harassment at workplace.

Does that sheriff have to do anything about this now that he knows about it?

The sheriff must take immediate action regarding the concern raised by the female officer. Although, currently the issue is not that complicated and intense "however", “prevention is better than cure” strategy must be followed by keeping in mind the long-lasting impact of the prevailing concern (Harrington, 2007). If the sheriff will not take appropriate measures to deal with the issue, than it is going to be a significant problem and it will also create serious violation of the sexual harassment code of conduct in the future.

Is this a hostile work environment or sexual harassment?

The underlying case falls under the category of “hostile work environment”. A hostile work environment is primarily a legal term used to describe a work situation where an employee cannot reasonably perform his job because of certain behaviors in co-management or workers who considered hostile.

The Police Department does not have a sexual harassment policy. Should it? If so, what should be included in such a policy?

There is an acute need for the establishment of sexual harassment policy for the police department in order to ensure ...
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