Legal Issues: Sexual Harassment

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Legal Issues: Sexual Harassment


Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky affair was one of the famous sexual harassment cases in the history of the nation. Bill Clinton was the president of the United States at the time and Monica Lewinsky was an intern at the White House. The president was accused of having sexual relations with her and had abused and exploited his power as the President of the United States of America. The president viewed women as an instrument for sexual pleasure, and using his personal position to satisfy those needs. President Clinton denied having any sexual relations with Miss Lewinsky. The president committed adultery and showed disloyalty to his wife. The president denied all the allegations that were leveled against him, stating that he did not have any sexual relations with the woman.


Sexual Discrimination and Harassment

Gender discrimination is treating people unfairly due to their sexual orientation. The person is not hired, promoted or transferred base on their gender. Sexual Discrimination is kind of discrimination that is violation with the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Hagen, 2011, pp.171-186). The law does not use the term “sexual harassment”, the courts acknowledges the fact that is a form of illegal gender discrimination. Where sexual harassment is the exploitation of a sex, discrimination is judging a person by their gender and not their work. This case was an example of a sexual harassment as Monica Lewinsky was exploited by the president for a sexual favor.

Quid pro quo harassment refers to when an employee is given a situation in which the benefit is dependent upon the willingness to sexual behavior or favor. If the employee does not comply with the benefit offered than he or she will be deprived of that benefit and will face adverse consequences. An employee is ...
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