Gender discrimination is limiting or restricting the rights and freedoms, as well as belittling the dignity of gender. Gender discrimination is the most common type of discrimination. It manifests itself in various spheres of human life and takes many forms. There are so-called direct discrimination (the denial of employment, a ban on education, the humiliation in the family) and indirect discrimination (deterrence promotion, glass ceiling, the unequal distribution of resources, the silence of gender in society, etc.).
In recent years, in America laws and conventions were produced aimed at solving some major problems that involve women related to the issues of violence, harassment and sexual discrimination in politics and workplace. Undoubtedly, these instruments represent significant advances in the status of the women in the region and in strengthening their human rights. But this situation is still far from guaranteeing the full respect and enjoyment of human rights to women. On the one hand, many of these laws, including those pertaining to specifically benefit women-are not completely free gender bias, which attenuates or diminishes its social impact. Furthermore, these same laws remain partial in answering complex problems. This reality suggests the there is a need to analyze some of the problems of discrimination that still exist in our legal systems, in order to provide approaches which contribute to the reflection mechanisms of future short and medium term to eliminate existing discrimination and to promote a legal framework to ensure the women would have full respect and enjoyment of their human rights. Social discrimination involves a number of grounds. In a society, gender discrimination can be done in health sector, gender discrimination can be done in workplace settings, gender discrimination can be done in the field of television and media, gender discrimination can be done in the field of education. Hence, there are scores of ways through which gender discrimination can be taken place.
Research Statement
The aim and objective of the research is to talk about gender discrimination in society from the perspective of workplace.
Role of Gender and Class in Discrimination
Throughout the world, discrimination and gender bias are barriers to the full development and full participation of young people male and female in the life of society. As all the women will not enjoy the same opportunities as their male counterparts, their basic rights are denied and the conditions for sustainable human development will not be met. It is vital for the future, that girls and young women to take on responsibilities within their families, their communities and, increasingly, on their workplace and in society. Very often women are abused or treated unfairly by society and have little opportunity, or lack of political voice, to change the situation. However it is recognized that in most societies, the opportunities for boys and girls are not equal. Here are some areas where empowerment is necessary for women and girls to ensure they take responsibility for everything that affects their lives and the possibility for them to work with men at the same ...